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尘肺是在粉尘作业生产中发生的一种职业病,旧社会,生产条件恶劣,没有防护措施,发生尘肺,严重地危害了工人的身体健康。新社会,生产条件改善,加强防护措施,尘肺发病率明显降低,基本上控制了粉尘对人体的危害。尽管取得成效,但并未完全控制粉尘和防止尘肺的发病,不少场所,粉尘浓度高于卫生标准,尘肺病还有发生。为搞好尘肺的防治工作,总结交流尘肺防治经验,特别是防尘技术、预防措施等急待加强,为此本刊从第4期起在“耕耘座”栏目中连载《尘肺》防治基础资料,以供同志们参考应用。该资料所涉及的内容包括各种有机及无机粉尘所致的各种尘肺,有一些已定为法定职业病,有些还有待认识和进一步作观察。该文特作为对尘肺防治、特别是对预防的一种启迪,还是非常重要的。因为,不管是什么样的粉尘,作为一种异物侵入机体,对人是有一定危害的,其不同点只是危害的程度轻重不同而已。 Pneumoconiosis is an occupational disease that occurs in the production of dust. In the old society, poor production conditions, lack of protective measures and pneumoconiosis have seriously endanger the health of workers. In the new society, production conditions have been improved and protective measures have been strengthened. The incidence of pneumoconiosis has been significantly reduced, basically controlling the harm of dust to the human body. Despite its success, it did not completely control the dust and prevent the incidence of pneumoconiosis. In many places, the concentration of dust is higher than the hygiene standards and pneumoconiosis still occurs. To do a good job in the prevention and treatment of pneumoconiosis, summed up the exchange of experience in prevention and treatment of pneumoconiosis, in particular, dust-proof technology, preventive measures and other urgent need to be strengthened, this article from No. 4 in the “Tillage Block” serial “pneumoconiosis” , For comrades reference application. This information covers a wide range of pneumoconiosis caused by various organic and inorganic dusts, some of which have been legally registered as occupational diseases, some of which remain to be seen and further observed. The text as a prevention and treatment of pneumoconiosis, especially for the prevention of a revelation, or very important. Because, no matter what kind of dust, as a foreign body into the body, there is a certain danger to people, the difference is only the degree of harm to different severity only.
目的:有针对性的研究和分析心血管内科的护理风险因素,并根据分析的结果提出相对应的应对策略.方法:采取回顾性分析的方法,针对我们医院在 2018 年 2 月到 12 月这个时间内收
目的:本文旨在比较刺五加、丹参与硝酸异山梨醇治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床疗效,以探求疗效可靠且少副作用的理想制剂.方法:采用随机与阳性对照药平行对照的方法 ,观察临床症状及心