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日本与德国不仅都是二战的战败国,而且在战后都取得了经济上的惊人发展,两国都是以经济大国的身份登上世界舞台。但是,在这些表面的共同性之外,日本与德国之间还存在着价值观和政策方面的根本区别。弄清这些区别,不仅可以反省战后日本的发展道路,还可以提出新的目标。 Japan and Germany were both not only the defeated nations of World War II but also the alarming economic developments after the war. Both countries boarded the world stage as economic powers. However, beyond these apparent commonalities, there are still fundamental differences in values ​​and policies between Japan and Germany. To understand these differences can not only reflect on the development path of post-war Japan, but also propose new goals.
“I do what I do.”—Kobe Bryant“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.”—Swedish Proverb求人不如求己!——瑞典谚语Helping yourse
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评美国“新西部史学”侯文蕙一、新西部史学派的崛起1993年10月13~16日,美国西部史学会在俄克拉何马州的塔尔萨市召开第33届年会 ̄①,参加人数700以上,比上届年会多了三分之一。西部史在经历了战后
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Lots of professional hockey players have recently come down with the mumps.1.“The mumps”is an illness that makes people feel tired and sometimes achy.People w
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