My Favorite Animal

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  My favorite animal is lions. They’re usually live in steppe (干草原) of Africa or India. They only eat meat, so they kill other animals for eat them. They often fight with each other, they’re rude for sure. But they’re good parents. Fathers are strict with child and mothers are always gentle. When they are little, they’re playful and cute, when they’re little, they’re two years-old. They are powerful and beautiful.
  Some people think the lions are cruel. But, I mean, aren’t we cruel? People always kill them for their good coat or meat! How much cruel we are! We should give them safety.
  蔣 烨老师点评:
  My favorite animal is a lion. They usually live in steppe of Africa or India. They only eat meat, so they kill other animals for food. They often fight with each other. They’re rude for sure, but they’re good parents. The lion fathers are strict with their children while the mothers are always gentle. When lions are little, they’re playful and cute. After they’re two years old, they become powerful and beautiful.
  Some people think lions are cruel, but I don’t think so. I mean, aren’t we cruel? People always kill them for their good coats or meat! How cruel we are! We should save animals and protect them to give them safety.
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