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卢文弨是清代著名的校勘、考据学家。虽不专事文学,但在其一生的治学过程中,他逐渐形成了一些有自己特点的文学观念和思想。在诗歌创作缘起的问题上,卢文弨认为应当先有事,触事生情,再以诗歌表达情。在内容题材的择取上,他主张以当下社会现实之事入诗,以诗记史,尤其提出“以诗为邑之志”。对于表现不同题材的诗歌而言,他喜欢的诗风或清新淡雅,或雄浑厚重,又或是两种相对风格兼而顾之的中道。卢文弨对文学形式的规范非常看重,认为对“能诗者”而言根本不存在内容与形式的真正冲突。对于文学作品的功用,从小处着眼,它能怡个人之情;从大局考虑,文学具有不可替代的社会作用。在对文学作品进行赏鉴时,卢文弨提出了校勘考据的重要性,承认读者理解与作品本意之间客观差距的不可避免性,并表露了自己评判文学作品的原则标准。对于文学作品,卢氏尤爱其意蕴和文气之古风。 Lu Wenyi is a famous collation of the Qing Dynasty, textual criticism. Although he did not specialize in literature, he gradually formed some literary ideas and thoughts with his own characteristics in the course of his life. On the origins of poetry, Lu Wen-tao believes that things should be done first and then things should be touched upon, and expressions of love should be expressed in poetry. In choosing the subject matter of the content, he advocated entering the poem with the current social reality, with the history of poetry, in particular, proposed “poetry as the soul of the city.” For poetic performance of different themes, he likes poetic style or fresh and elegant, or vigorous, or two relative style and care of the middle road. Lu Wen-tao places great emphasis on the norms of the literary form and holds that there is absolutely no real conflict between content and form for the “poet”. For the function of literary works, from a young age, it can be a personal feeling; from the overall situation, literature has an irreplaceable social role. While appreciating literary works, Lu Wen-tao put forward the importance of the collation of the textual research, recognizing the unavoidability of the objective gap between the reader’s understanding and the original intention of the work, and revealing the principle standards of his own judgment of literary works. For literary works, Ruth especially loves its implication and the ancient style of writing.
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得知妻子怀孕那一刻,我内心一阵窃喜。为何是窃喜?因为她怀的不是我的孩子。我没疯,更不在乎什么绿帽子。我倒期望她把我丢下,不管不顾奔向那个男人。这样,我就可以名正言顺和小刘在一起,且过错方不是我。其实就算是过错方也无妨,我没房子,也没存款,没什么可以拿走的。我只是觉得,妻子是个麻烦的女人,我犯一丁点错,她都可以在我耳边嗡嗡一年,如果我出轨,她可能要一辈子缠着我。  “什么时候的事?”我问。  妻子不