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煤炭,乃当今中国的主要能源,我国的产煤近些年一直稳居世界第一,我国的用煤量也雄踞世界之冠。巨大的需求要有巨量的煤支撑。专家测算,全国平均每开采1万吨煤要塌陷土地3亩或4亩,据此估算,全国每年因采煤要塌陷土地70平方公里,经济损失4亿多元。我们只有一个地球。在辽阔的宇宙中,地球以其博大的胸怀为人类默默奉献着自己丰富的资源,同时承受着人类对它造成的巨大伤害和种种磨难。人类要想更好地生存在这个世界,必须善待地球,让蓝天更蓝,让土地更绿。在2005年的开篇中,我们欣慰地推出了报告文学:“安家岭———打造绿色航母”,文中介绍了中国中煤能源集团公司平朔安家岭露天矿,在开发建设特大型现代化矿山的过程中,不但走出了一条自己设计、自己施工、自己经营、投资少、见效快、工期短、质量高的新路子,同时,在合理开采资源、保护生态环境、创建新型旅游式矿山中开了一个好头,为全国的煤炭行业树立了榜样,更是一件可载入史册的利在当代功在千秋的丰功伟业。作为关注社会改革与发展的新闻媒体,我们殷切希望,全国有更多的煤炭企业,一起跻身于建设绿色家园的队伍行列,共同打造出更多更大的绿色航母。———编者按 Coal is the main energy source in China today. China’s coal production has been ranking first in the world in recent years, and China’s coal consumption is also the highest in the world. Huge demand has huge amounts of coal support. Experts estimated that the average national average is 30,000 tons or 4 acres of land per 10,000 tons of coal mined. Based on this estimate, the country will collapse land by 70 square kilometers each year and lose more than 400 million yuan in economic losses. We have only one Earth. In the vast universe, the Earth, with its broad mind, has devoted itself to the rich resources of mankind, while bearing the tremendous harm and all kinds of hardships it has caused. If human beings want to survive better in this world, they must be kind to the earth, make the blue sky more blue, and make the land greener. In the opening chapter of 2005, we were pleased to launch the reportage literature: “Anjialing—Create a Green Aircraft Carrier”. This article introduced China’s China Coal Energy Group’s Anjialing Opencast Mine in Pingshuo and was developing and constructing an ultra-large modern mine. During the process, not only a new path of self-design, self-construction, self-operation, low investment, quick response, short construction period, and high quality has emerged, but also the rational exploitation of resources, the protection of the ecological environment and the creation of a new type of tourist mine A good example set an example for the coal industry in the country, and it is a great achievement that can be used in the history books for a long time in contemporary development. As a news media concerned with social reform and development, we earnestly hope that more coal companies across the country will join the ranks of building a green home together to create more and bigger green aircraft carriers. --- Editor’s note
情绪调节自我效能感(Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy)是个体立足于对个体自身情绪调节能力的主观评价,并通过此主观评价而形成的一种信心感受。为了研究情绪调节自我效能感