The Influence of Memetics for Language Spread

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  【Abstract】Memetics is an emerging theory to interpret cultural evolution, which is based on Darwin’s evolution theory. It shows that meme is a unit of cultural information, which can be replicated and transmitted continuously for long. The same as a gene, meme exists through the process of replication and transmission. This paper attempts to explain the reason why language transmitted for generations and provides a new perspective for the explanation of language development and cultural evolution, as well as the further studies on memetics.
  【Key words】language meme; memetics; language transmission; memetic genotype; memetic phenotype
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  Memetics is an evolutionary model of cultural information transfer. It refers to a theory of mental content based on an analogy with Darwinian evolutionary. The concept of memes, the units of information, was first raised by Richard Dawkins by popularization of his book The Selfish Gene in 1976. Dawkins thought that the outstanding theory of Darwinian evolutionary shouldn’t be limited in the biological field. It is applicable to linguistics as well. In the domains of linguistics, language is also up against the situation of the positive natural selection. The survival of the fittest in natural selection of words is one of the most important factors for language spread.
  Ⅱ. Features of transmission
  As the rules of nature, survival of the fittest, not all genes can be replicated successfully as well as memes. Then some memes get more opportunities to be chosen in the meme-pool than others (Richard Dawkins, 2006: 194). Therefore, a good replicator should possess the following characteristics: copying-fidelity, longevity, selectivity and variability.
  2.1 Copying-fidelity. The transmission for memes retain some of the original shapes or forms in a new patterns. For instance, the Meme Expressions, that is 暴走漫画in China, is intrinsically linked to the theory of memetics. The reason why it was called meme is that it is not simply an expression. It is the outstanding cultural genes survival from the fiercely competition of website transmission. The reason for its survival is for its simple and vivid. It copies the expression of those who are famous in various fields, and mostly importantly it reserves their facial look and selectively exaggerate their expression, so that when we look these meme expressions we can directly know what the each of the expression could transmit for us. For instance, Mr. Forever Love, the meaning of this expression is lonely. Each expression represents a word which could express one’s mood vividly.   2.2 Longevity. The reservation of the memes could last for years and merged into a new environment naturally. The “old element” hold a particular culture or plot to expression a new feeling or atmosphere although the memes from long ago are against grain. The reason for longevity of memes could be their strong practicability. For instance, some of the Classical Chinese or Wenyanwen, which were official words in ancient China thousand years ago, were still used by people nowadays. “Looking for Her in the Crowds”(众里寻他千百度), originated from the Song Lyrics of Xin Qiji is the jingle of Baidu in order to express the idea that Baidu is the one who you love and seek for a longtime, and finally the one you choose based on your sincerely heart. This sentence could transmit for thousands of years for the reasons that it could apply in the daily life and represent a deeper concept or idea in order to achieve some goals, for instance for business or education objectives etc.
  2.3 Selectivity. Why some of the ancient prose could be selected and survival, while others not? It could be explained by two kinds of memes: dominant genes and vulnerable genes. Dominant genes means those which are widely used by majority or applied by more people. While those which are used by minority and applied by less people are relatively vulnerable. For instance, dialect. The song, Shanghai Bund(上海滩)was very familiar with us. Eg. 浪(龙)奔(班)浪(龙)流(老)万(满)里(雷)涛涛(偷偷)江(拱)水(虽)永(未) 不(八)休(咬) Most of us actually don’t know what they really mean. And even we can’t say a word in Cantonese, we still could sing the song. Because we use comparably similar pronunciations to represent the Cantonese ones. In the case of this, Mandarin is the dominant gene and Cantonese is the vulnerable gene. The numbers of people who use Mandarin is much more than those who use Cantonese. Therefore, the transmission speed and range of the dominant gene is faster than the later. Replacing the Cantonese, Mandarin can be in the memory of the majorities. On the other hand, the Cantonese promote its status and enhance its transmission by use of the effect and influence of Mandarin. Therefore, the selection of memes tends to the dominant genes and those meaningful, effective, and practicable. Relatively speaking, both of them can be transformed mutually.
  Ⅲ. Conclusion
  Memetics is a newly emerging theory in Chinese academic field, and it has not been given enough attention. Therefore, the materials for this study are limited. Due to the qualitative study of this theory, the choices and the analysis of examples might be subjective in this paper.
  As an emerging theory, memetics provide a new perspective to explain the language transmission. However, systematically and deeply theoretical framework are imperative. It is hoped that this paper could provide inspiration and constructive suggestions for those who intend to do the deeper studies about this theory.
几千年来,中国古代教育先哲“因材施教”这一合乎科学规律的理念深深根植于主流的教学思想中,影响并规范着我们的教学活动。高中英语新课标提出:教学必须从实际出发,针对个体差异区别对待,有针对性地组织教学活动,既要统一的要求,又要因材施教,这样才能使每个学生都能学有所得。  然而,我们偏远教育欠发达地区的高中学科教学中仍存在着“一刀切,以教师为中心”等弊端,学生在课堂上探求知识、训练能力的主体地位得不到根
作为一名初中音乐教师,通过我的一些教学积累,我认为音乐课堂教学是教师与学生共同完成的知识、技能的训练、掌握过程,在这个教学的过程中,除了相对单纯的知识性和技能性之外,更多体现的是对艺术美的意识教育,也就是我们通常所说的审美教育。这种审美的教育贯穿着整个音乐教学过程,对增强音乐教学效果,培养学生全面发展,引导学生从心灵深处理解音乐、表达情感起着决定性的作用。  一、注重教学内容的结构美  结构完美,
DNA computing was proposed for solving a class of intractable computational problems, of which the computing time will grow exponentially with the problem size.
【摘要】对于小学英语,在课堂中常见的有下面的几种课程类型:词汇和句型方面的教学;阅读方面的教学;口语交际方面的教学以及作文和联系方面的教学。因此,通过对于不同课型的教学有效性进行研究,是为了让小学英语在教学的过程中有更加清晰化的课型,更好的去解决在实际的教学环节所遇到的很多问题,使得课堂教学的目标更加的明确和坚定,进而实现理想的教学效果。  【关键词】课型研究 小学英语 有效教学  在现在的小学英
【摘要】文章简要的介绍了关于“狗”的网络热词的来源及发展,然后从人类认知的视角对其中的隐喻进行了解析,并分析了其流行原因,以期进一步了解其语用认知价值。  【关键词】“狗” 隐喻 流行原因  一、前言  网络流行语的层出不穷,离不开创造性隐喻思维的运用,正如Lakoff所说,隐喻是一种思维方式,是不可缺少的认知工具。“狗”在中国文化传统中多是负面的否定意义,但在虚拟的网络世界中“狗”被赋予了自嘲、
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