
来源 :文艺理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yourzhu
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……刘鹗的作品代表了清末小说的一个典型倾向:本民族的传统方法与受西方启发的创新方法相结合的创作手法。不过,尽管刘鹗的作品与同时代的小说有相似之处,但《老残游记》并不是象人们所认为的,是清末许多反映社会的政治讽刺小说之一。事实上,它是与众不同的,它所体现的特色,足以表明本身已到了传统的中国古典小说的末端。《老残游记》在中国小说史上享有特别而又重要的地位,是因为它有趣地融合了两种根本不同的文学和文化的因素。最近,有些学者已注意到了这部小说的 Liu Yong’s work represents a typical tendency in the novels of the late Qing Dynasty: the creative method of combining the traditional method of this nation with the innovative method inspired by the West. However, although Liu’s works have similarities with contemporary novels, his travelogue is not as people think it is, and is one of the many political satirical novels that reflect the society in the late Qing Dynasty. In fact, it is distinctive, and its features are sufficient to show that it has reached the end of the traditional Chinese classical novel itself. Travelogue of the Lao People enjoys a special and important position in the history of Chinese novels because it is an interesting fusion of two fundamentally different literary and cultural factors. Recently, some scholars have noticed this novel
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