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目的了解贵港市接受艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)服务人群对艾滋病知信行的情况,为更好地开展VCT服务提供科学依据。方法收集2014年8月1日至2015年2月28日VCT门诊的求询者的现场调查资料,包括人口学特征、求询原因、艾滋病相关知识及态度、心理状态及高危行为情况等内容,并进行统计学分析。结果共调查306名求询者,男女比例为1.10:1,商业异性性行为史占23.16%,配偶/固定性伴阳性占36.93%,获取艾滋病防治知识来源主要是获取相关的宣传资料占41.2%,相关知识知晓率是90.20%,238名已婚有配偶的调查对象中有婚外性行为史的占42.86%,其中男性66.67%(68/102)明显高于女性33.33%(34/102),与配偶/固定性伴平时性生活时从未使用安全套占29.83%,有80.39%(246/306)调查者在求询前有恐惧、焦虑不安、心神不宁,无法专心工作甚至失眠等情况出现。结论 VCT门诊求询者对艾滋病的知、信、行态度不统一,今后开展艾滋病相关健康教育过程中应该注重倡导健康生活方式和正确对待病人的态度、消除恐艾心理。 Objective To understand the situation of HIV / AIDS knowledge and information on HIV / AIDS patients receiving voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) in Guigang and to provide a scientific basis for better VCT service. Methods The on-site survey data of VCT clinicians from August 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015 were collected, including demographic characteristics, reason for asking, AIDS-related knowledge and attitude, psychological status and high-risk behaviors, And statistical analysis. Results A total of 306 informants were investigated, with a male to female ratio of 1.10: 1, accounting for 23.16% of heterosexual men and women, 36.93% of spouses / sex partners, and 41.2% of AIDS patients receiving AIDS information. , The awareness rate of related knowledge was 90.20%, and among the 238 married spouses surveyed, 42.86% had history of extramarital sex, of which 66.67% (68/102) of males were significantly higher than that of females (33/103%) (34/102) , 29.83% of them never used condoms when living with their spouse / partner, 80.39% (246/306) of the respondents had fear, anxiety, anxiety, inability to work or even insomnia before asking for help appear. Conclusions VCT outpatient inquires about AIDS awareness, letter and attitude is not uniform, in the future AIDS-related health education process should focus on advocating a healthy lifestyle and correct treatment of patients attitude and eliminate fear of fear AI psychological.
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