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目的探讨广西省柳州市城乡中学生的吸烟行为现状及其与健康危险行为、心理-情绪障碍因素的关系。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取广西省柳州市1 528名城市中学生和1 213名乡村中学生进行问卷调查。结果 2 741名中学生中,244人吸烟,吸烟率为8.90%;城市学生吸烟率低于乡村学生(P<0.05);城市、乡村男生吸烟率均高于女生(P<0.01);乡村不同年龄中学生吸烟率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);城市中学生骑车违规、斗殴、非故意伤害、非安全游泳和参与赌博的发生率分别为38.29%,17.08%,46.73%,11.13%和24.74%,分别低于乡村中学生的42.46%,20.61%,50.78%,28.42%和29.68%(P<0.05);城市中学生饮酒和学习压力感的发生率分别为22.84%和28.93%,分别高于乡村中学生的19.13%和25.31%(P<0.05);多因素Logistic回归分析结果表明,受欺侮、斗殴、参与赌博、饮酒、药物成瘾和焦虑是城市中学生吸烟行为的健康危险行为和心理-情绪障碍影响因素;受欺侮、非安全游泳、斗殴、网络成瘾、饮酒、有自我伤害倾向是乡村中学生吸烟行为的健康危险行为和心理-情绪障碍影响因素。结论健康危险行为和心理-情绪障碍可影响中学生的吸烟行为;城乡中学生吸烟影响因子类型和危险度不同。 Objective To explore the prevalence of smoking behavior among urban and rural middle school students in Liuzhou city of Guangxi province and their relationship with health risk behaviors and psychological-emotional disorders. Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to survey 1 528 middle school students and 1 213 rural middle school students in Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province. Results Among the 2 741 middle school students, 244 smoked cigarettes with a smoking rate of 8.90%. The smoking rate of urban students was lower than that of rural students (P <0.05). The prevalence of smoking among urban boys and girls was higher than that of girls (P <0.01) The prevalence of smoking among middle school students was statistically significant (P <0.01). The prevalence rates of bicycle cycling, brawls, unintentional injuries, unsafe swimming and gambling among urban middle school students were 38.29%, 17.08%, 46.73%, 11.13% and 24.74, respectively % Respectively, which were respectively lower than 42.46%, 20.61%, 50.78%, 28.42% and 29.68% (P <0.05) of middle school students in rural areas. The prevalence rates of drinking and learning stress among urban middle school students were 22.84% and 28.93% Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that bullied, brawling, participation in gambling, alcohol consumption, drug addiction and anxiety were health risk behaviors and psychological-emotional disorders among middle school students in smoking behaviors Influencing factors; bullying, unsafe swimming, brawl, internet addiction, drinking, self-harm tendencies are the health risk behaviors and psycho-emotional disturbances of smoking among rural middle school students. Conclusions Health risk behaviors and psycho-emotional disorders can affect the smoking behaviors of middle school students. The types and risks of smoking influence factors in urban and rural middle school students are different.
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