Channel Estimation and Compensation for Underwater Acoustic Pipeline Communication

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveme2001
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An estimation and compensation algorithm for underwater acoustic pipeline channel is investigated.A joint time-frequency adaptive signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)estimation based on the maximum likelihood method is introduced firstly,and the Cramer-Rao lower bound(CRLB)is proposed so as to evaluate the performance of the SNR estimation algorithm.For frequency-selective fading channel part,estimation and compensation are made to improve the robustness of the system on the basis of the LMS algorithm.Furthermore,real-time update iteration algorithm in the frequency domain is investigated to realize synchronous receiving and estimation.For verification,simulations and actual data tests were made,and the results show that the algorithm possesses great robustness,efficiency and accuracy inrealization of SNR estimation,signal detection and frequency impulse compensation for the channel. An estimation and compensation algorithm for underwater acoustic pipeline channel is investigated. A joint time-frequency adaptive signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimation based on the maximum likelihood method is introduced first, and the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is proposed so as to evaluate the performance of the SNR estimation algorithm. For frequency-selective fading channel part, estimation and compensation are made to improve the robustness of the system on the basis of the LMS algorithm. Futurertherm, real-time update iteration algorithm in the frequency domain is investigated to realize synchronous receiving and estimation. For verification, simulations and actual data tests were made, and the results show that the algorithm possesses great robustness, efficiency and accuracy inrealization of SNR estimation, signal detection and frequency impulse compensation for the channel.
当老妈兴奋地宣布“今年我们和外公外婆去乡下老家过年”时,我心里嘀咕:除了允许我熬夜到十二点外,去哪儿过还不都一样吗?红包,最后都不知不觉地到老妈的兜里;年夜饭,和平时的晚饭没有什么区别;不能放烟火了,春晚已经无法吸引我的眼球,疲惫的学习使我厌倦了熬夜。过春节,家长仿佛比我更兴奋。  挤在后座熬了近四个小时,车子终于停在了一座白墙蓝顶、平淡无奇的二层小楼前。四周是菜地,种满各式蔬菜,我只认识青菜,叶