
来源 :法制现代化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinjorzhang
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本文通过对目前中国正在进行的法治推进方式的反思,认为变法模式是中国法制现代化的首选方案。变法模式就是要借助政府力量,通过移植发达国家和地区的法律制度,以实现法治,即政府推进法治,本文认为中国之所以走上了政府推进法治的发展轨道,其重要原因就在于时间的紧迫性和传统法治资源的贫乏;与社会演进型法治相比,政府推进型法治的主要问题之一在于过大的设计成本和操作成本,但它避免了社会自发演进所可能出现的贫困、流血、动荡等社会问题;在政府推进法制变革,实现法制现代化的过程中,我国应当正确处理好变法与社会演变、变法与国情、变法与域外文化的关系。本文还对政府推进法治过程中的法律变化与行为预期、法治的本土资源、制度经济等与变法模式的理论关联等问题作了深入的探讨。 Through the reflection on the ongoing promotion of the rule of law in China, this paper argues that the change-of-law model is the first choice for the modernization of China’s legal system. The model of change is to use the power of the government to transplant the legal system in developed countries and regions so as to realize the rule of law, that is, the government promotes the rule of law. This article holds that the reason why China has embarked on the government’s track of promoting the rule of law is due to time constraints Compared with the social evolutionary rule of law, one of the major problems in the government-led rule of law lies in excessive design costs and operating costs. However, it avoids the poverty, bloodshed, poverty and corruption that may arise in the spontaneous evolution of society. Turmoil and other social problems. In the process of the government’s promotion of the reform of the legal system and the modernization of the legal system, our country should correctly handle the relationship between the reform and the social evolution, the change of the law and the national conditions, the change of law and the culture outside the territory. This article also discusses in depth the issues such as the legal changes and behavioral expectations of the government in promoting the rule of law, the local resources of the rule of law, the institutional economy and the theoretical model of the reform model.
1954年出生的王安忆,1994年应邀到复旦大学开小说研究课程,那年她40岁。到了2004年,王安忆50岁,她带着人事编制调进复旦大学,成为中文系教授;2014年,王安忆60岁了,接受笔者专访,畅谈她的复旦十年。  大学教书给了我养分  《新民周刊》:陈思和老师说,1994年,你是主动要求来复旦上课的?  王安忆:1994年的时候,陈思和代表复旦大学的“明星讲座”,请我和谢晋等几个人到复旦开讲座。
<正> 改革开放之初,在法学领域,最红火者是法律史。1979年9月,中国法律史学会成立于长春,中法史、外法史、中思史、西思史四学科的队伍结成同盟,浩浩荡荡,为法学界各分支中队伍最庞大者。最初的硕士点,法律史居三分之一。报刊上的学术论文,法律史亦占二三成。那时的法律史学,堪称显学。相反,中国法学会及其下辖各研究会大都是在1980年以后才成立的。不过,待成立较晚的经济法、民法、刑法、国际法等学会(研究会)成为新的“显学”