Enteral nutrition in acute pancreatitis:A review of the current evidence

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizdy
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The use of enteral feeding as part of the management of acute pancreatitis dates back almost two decades.This review describes the indications for and limitations of enteral feeding for the treatment of acute pancreatitis using up-to-date evidence-based data.A systematic review was carried out to analyse current data on the use of enteral nutrition in the management of acute pancreatitis.Relevant literature was analysed from the viewpoints of enteral vs parenteral feeding,early vs delayed enteral nutrition,nasogastric vs nasojejunal feeding,and early oral diet and immunonutrition,particularly glutamine and probiotic supplementation.Finally,current applicable guidelines and the effects of these guidelines on clinical practice are discussed.The latest meta-analyses suggest that enteral nutrition significantly reduces the mortality rate of severe acute pancreatitis compared to parenteral feeding.To maintain gut barrier function and prevent early bacterial translocation,enteral feeding should be commenced within the first 24 h of hospital admission.Also,the safety of nasogastric feeding,which eases the administration of enteral nutrients in the clinical setting,is likely equal to nasojejunal feeding.Furthermore,an earlylow-fat oral diet is potentially beneficial in patients with mild pancreatitis.Despite the initial encouraging results,the current evidence does not support the use of immunoenhanced nutrients or probiotics in patients with acute pancreatitis. The use of enteral feeding as part of the management of acute pancreatitis dates back almost two decades. This review describes the indications for and limitations of enteral feeding for the treatment of acute pancreatitis using up-to-date evidence-based data. was carried out to analyze current data on the use of enteral nutrition in the management of acute pancreatitis. Clean material was analyzed from the viewpoints of enteral vs parenteral feeding, early vs delayed enteral nutrition, nasogastric vs nasojejunal feeding, and early oral diet and immunonutrition , particularly glutamine and probiotic supplementation. Finaally, current applicable guidelines and the effects of these guidelines on clinical practice are discussed. The latest meta-analyzes tips that enteral nutrition significantly reduces the mortality rate of severe acute pancreatitis compared to parenteral feeding. To maintain gut barrier function and prevent early bacterial translocation, enteral feeding sho uld be commenced within the first 24 h of hospital admission.Also, the safety of nasogastric feeding, which eases the administration of enteral nutrients in the clinical setting, is likely equal to nasojejunal feeding. Still more, an earlylow-fat oral diet In patients with mild pancreatitis. Despite the initial encouraging results, the current evidence does not support the use of immunoenhanced nutrients or probiotics in patients with acute pancreatitis.
在53具成人尸体上,为配合临床插管造影提供解剖学资料,观测了主动脉弓及其分支,并对临床应用关系进行了讨论。 In 53 adult cadavers, anatomical data were provided for c
6月30日,国务院新闻办公布《中国居民营养与慢性病状况报告(2015年)》。报告显示,2012年我国18岁以上成年男性和女性的平均身高分别为167.1c m和155.8cm,平均体重分别为66.2k