利用英英释义 掌握地道英语

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  One sunny afternoon, a seven-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods before she realized that she was lost.
  When she opened her eyes and saw her dog standing beside her,the girl said,“you rescued me,Laddy,”and she kissed him several times. Seeing their daughter and dog coming back, the parents breathed a sigh of . That night Laddy had a hero’s supper: a huge meal of steak
  A. pain B. shock C. relief D. sorrow
  我教的两个班的学生中,在做这道完形填空题时超过一半的学生选择了B. shock,他们的理由大多数是“走失的女儿由一条狗带回来了,不应该是震惊吗?”从中文翻译出来的字面意思来看,不能说他们的理解完全错了。这不禁让人开始思考,为什么他们认为“震惊”是对的,而事实上shock是错的呢?我想,当中最主要的区别在于,中文的“震惊”表示因受到意外刺激而感到紧张、害怕或兴奋,跟英语的shock所表达的情感含义不尽相同。当我引导他们放弃中文解释,从英文解释去入手时,他们马上就明白了当中的差别了。
  shock—If you have a shock,something suddenly happens which is unpleasant, upsetting, or very disappointing.
  relief—If you feel a sense of relief,you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.
  有的同学很多时候在做完形填空时对情感把握有偏差;写作文时词不达意、表述不清,通篇Chinglish。有的同学把高考要求的3600单词背得滚瓜烂熟,但是写作文时用对用好的词不多。我想很大程度上是因为他们已经习惯了“翻译”,连课本的单词表都是一个单词对应一个中文意思。可是,两种语言之间的转换是不可能有这样的“字对字”翻译的,有一些英语单词甚至不可能在中文里找到一个固定的词意来解释,它们会被翻译成不同的中文意思来配合语境的传达,available 就是一个很好的例子。
  1.有新音乐专辑发售时,我们可以看到“Available Now”(正在热售)的宣传广告。
  2. 听新闻可以经常听到“No comment available”(无可奉告)。
  3. 订酒店的时候可能被告知“This is the only room available”(这是唯一可用的房间)。
  4. 邀请别人时可能遭到拒绝“I am not available tonight”(我今晚没空)。
  5. 遇到特大事故时新闻会报道“Every available doctor was called to the scene”(所有能找到的医生都被召集到了现场)。
  1. study(研究,课题)—a careful examination or analysis of a phenomenon,development,or question
  research(研究, 调查)a careful study of sth. in order to discover new facts or imformation about it
  2. realize (了解,意识到) —If you realize that something is true,you become aware of that fact or understand it.
  recognize(认出,承认)—If you recognize someone or something,you know who that person is or what that thing is.
  3. possible(可能的)—If it is possible to do something,it can be done or achieved.
  probable(可能的,大概的)—If you say that something is probable,you mean that it is likely to be true or likely to happen.   4. gradually(逐步地,渐渐地)—If something changes or is done gradually,it changes or is done in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly.
  slowly(缓慢地)—something that is slow moves,happens,or is done without much speed
  5. principle(原则,准则)—a basic truth, law,or assumption;a general belief that you have about the way you should behave,which influences your behaviour
  theory(理论,原理)—a formal idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something
  6. single (单一的,适于一人的)—consisting of one in number;used to emphasize that you are referring to one particular person or thing on its own
  individual (个人的,个别的)—considered separately rather than as part of a group;typical of one particular person or thing in a way that is different from others
  7. sight(视野,景象)—field of vision; something that you see
  scene(场面,现场)—the place where something happen,especially something unpleasant;an incident
  8. real(真实的,现实的)—something that is real actually exists and is not imagined,invented,or theoretical;A material or object that is real is natural or functioning,and not artificial or an imitation.
  true(真实的,正确的)—connected with facts; consistent with fact or reality; not false
  9. persuade(说服,劝服)—to make someone agree to do something by giving them good reasons for doing it
  convince (说服,使相信) —to make someone believe that something is true
  10. price (价格,价值) —the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy it
  cost(价钱,费用)—the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor
  charge(要价,收费)—the amount of money you are asked to pay for suing something or for a service
  11. normal(正常的,标准的)— used to describe something that is what you would expect and is the same as others of the same type
  usual(普通的,平常的)— used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation
  ordinary(普通的,平凡的)—used to describe something that is not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree
  12. act(行动,行为)—a single thing that someone does
  action(行动,手段)—something that you do on a particular occasion or for a particular purpose
  deed(行为,行动)—something that is done, especially something that is very good or very bad
  performance(表现,性能)—the act or process of performing a task
  13. obvious(明显的)—easy to see or understand without prove or explanation
  evident(明显的)—You use evident to show that you are certain about a situation or fact and your interpretation of it.
  14. fortune(财富,命运)—a large amount of money;chance or luck, especially in the way it affects people’s lives
  treasure (宝藏,珍宝)—a collection of valuable things such as gold, silver and jewellery
  15. cause (原因,动机)—the person or thing that makes something happen
  reason(原因,理由)—an explanation for something that has happened or that someone has done.
  责任编校 蒋小青
摘 要:教师专业发展是教师基于自身经验进行持续发展、转变和超越的过程。为了让教师得到了更系统、更全面的专业化发展,虎山中学以生态化培养理念为指导,营造良好的专业发展生态环境,让教师之间通过信息传递、合作与竞争、传承与互助,逐步形成自然合作、互利共生、共同进步的文化氛围,建构和谐共生、互相合作、持续发展的学习型生态园。  关健词:教师专业发展 生态化发展 教师合作  教师专业发展,大致可分为三种模式
(一)  (新课标I卷B篇)Since the first Earth Day in 1970, Americans have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment.“We didn’t know at that time that there even was an environment, let alone that there was
一、考点解读   “理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”包含两个要点:(1) 对“宾语前置”等四种句型和“使动、意动”等五类词语用法的考查限定在“古今差异”上,且暂未对“状语后置”“定语后置”等提出要求。(2)注重“理解和运用”。广东省只在2008年以选择题(第7题)的形式单独设题考查过一次,其余年份都是融入“理解实词意义”和“翻译文中句子”中作间接考查。  二、失分诊断  考生失分的主要原因是对