
来源 :中国科学(B辑 化学 生物学 农学 医学 地学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lawrence121
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本文对光敏剂二苯甲酮存在下,重氮乙酸乙酯光解所产生的乙氧羰基甲烯对已烷的插入反应进行了研究,并与无光敏剂时的插入反应进行了比较.发现光敏剂的存在不影响插入产物性质和它们的分配比例.同时,发现作为三线态猝灭剂的氧的存在对这些反应也没有影响.这些实验结果表明,对己烷的插入反应是由单线态的乙氧羰基甲烯进行的.对在二苯甲酮存在下已烷被空气光氧化的产物进行了仔细的分离和鉴定.结果表明,得到的是2-位和3-位已基自由基偶联和氧化的产物,因此看来,伯位的已基自由基在进行偶联和氧化反应之前先要转位成热力学上比较稳定的仲位自由基。 In the presence of photosensitizer benzophenone, the insertion reaction of ethoxycarbonylmethane produced by photodegradation of ethyl diazoacetate with hexane was studied and compared with the insertion reaction without photosensitizer. The presence of the photosensitizers did not affect the nature of the inserted products and their partition ratio, and at the same time, the presence of oxygen as a triplet quencher was found to have no effect on these reactions. These experimental results show that the insertion of hexane into the mixture is caused by the singlet state Of ethoxycarbonylmethanes.Products of photo-oxidation of hexane with air in the presence of benzophenone were carefully isolated and identified.The results showed that the radical free radicals at 2-position and 3-position were obtained Coupled and oxidized products, it appears that the primary radical already radiates into a more thermodynamically stable secondary radical before proceeding with coupling and oxidation reactions.
We present and demonstrate experimentally a new method for measuring the polarization-mode-dispersion(PMD) of a Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating. The technique has
在具有不同结构类型的各种磷酸液盐中,特别在新化合物 Na_3Ln(PO_4)_2:Ce,Tb;NaxSr_(3-2)xlnx(PO_4)_3:Ce,Tb 和 KCaLn(PO_4)_2:Ce,Tb 中,已经表明将发生 Ce~(3+)→Tb~(3+)
1. Introduction  “International tourism island” refers to the specific area of the island, limited to the scope of the tourism industry in the field, the implementation of foreign “visa free zero tari
一、小学跳高的教学重点小学跳高技术教法重点 ,一是助跑的节奏 ;二是掌握摆动腿至横杆上时要稍内旋技术 ,因为摆动腿摆至横杆上时要稍内旋是衔接助跑和空中的动作关键。若起
在万工显上不能直接测量如图1所示的两槽中心线平而交点尺寸L。本文介绍两种间接测量平面交点尺寸的方法。方法一: 1.将工件平放在玻璃工作台上,按图2所示使工件的C边找正与