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对典型人物进行报道,可以说是记者的职责使然。但通过报道,使自己和对方同经风雨、共担艰险,这不仅不易,同时也是对记者认识和判断能力的一种综合考验。本人对鸡西市原汽车公司经理、后又任鸡西啤酒厂厂长(目前已退休)王文志的报道和与其交往,也许能对我的上述论点作个注脚。 1984年4月,我在鸡西市采访。于市委某办公室偶而看到一份文件,系市政府某委向上反映其所属汽车公司经理王文志的问题,列举如经营思想不端、违法乱纪、经济效益虚报、高压政策等共计十个方面。我一看是上级主管部门出红头文件状告下级。甚觉新鲜,决定先到这个委办进行调查了 To report on the typical characters, it can be said that the responsibility of the reporters is engendered. However, it is not only hard-won, but also a comprehensive test of the ability of journalists to recognize and judge through reports that make themselves and their counterparts weather the storm together. My own report on and engagement with Wang Wenzhi, manager of Jixi original car company and later director of Jixi brewery (currently retired), may give me a footnote to my argument. In 1984 April, I interviewed in Jixi City. An office in the municipal office occasionally saw a document that was written by a municipal government commissioner that reflected the issue of Wang Wenzhi, the manager of the car company to which he belongs. He cited a total of 10 aspects such as misconduct in operating ideas, infringement of laws and regulations, false reports of economic benefits, and high-pressured policies. I saw that the higher authorities complained that the red tape file. Feeling fresh, decided to go to the commission to investigate
目的:皮下注射粒细胞集落刺激因子(Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor,G-CSF)对新生大鼠重度缺氧缺血性脑损伤(Hypoxic Ischemic Brain Damage,HIBD)模型进行治疗,从神经运
目的:  回顾性分析2009年1月1日至2009年6月30日和2014年1月1日至2014年6月30日在河北医科大学第二医院住院的慢性心力衰竭住院患者的临床特征、病因、药物治疗、预后及其
In this paper, a class of fuzzy cellular neural networks with distributed delays is discussed. By employing fixed point theorem and inequality techniques, some
目的探讨人类视网膜色素上皮(human retinal pigment epithelialium, HRPE)细胞培养上清液联合全反视黄酸(all-trans Retinoid Acid,RA)对骨髓间充质细胞(bone marrow stroma