JC/T 943-2004《混凝土多孔砖》被废止生产销售混凝土多孔砖应执行国家标准

来源 :建筑砌块与砌块建筑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pangyaoyu
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工业与信息化部于2014年5月6日发布2014年第33号公告,公布对相关行业标准的复审意见。其中,JC/T 943-2004《混凝土多孔砖》标准从公布日起废止。也就是说:今后企业生产销售混凝土多孔砖、混凝土空心砖等规格的产品,质检机构进行质量抽查等,不得再依据JC/T 943《混凝土多孔砖》标准。混凝土多孔砖在生产、销售、质检等过程中,应根据砖在建筑(构筑)物上实际使用的部位,选择执行相关国家标准。对于承重墙用的混凝土多孔砖,可执行GB 25779-2010《承重混凝土多孔砖》标准;对于应用于非承重自承重墙砌体的混凝土空心砖可选择执 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released Notice No. 33 of 2014 on May 6, 2014, promulgating the review opinions on relevant industry standards. Among them, JC / T 943-2004 “concrete perforated brick” standard from the date of promulgation. In other words: the future production and sales of concrete perforated brick, concrete hollow brick and other specifications of products, quality inspection agencies, such as quality checks, no longer based on JC / T 943 “concrete perforated brick” standard. Concrete porous brick in the production, sale, quality inspection and other processes, should be based on brick in the construction (construction) of the actual use of the site, choose to implement the relevant national standards. For concrete perforated brick wall, GB 25779-2010 “perforated concrete perforated brick” standard; for the application of non-load-bearing walls of concrete hollow brick can choose to enforce
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