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本刊讯10月17日,广西高校党风廉政建设和反腐败工作专题报告会在广西大学召开。会上,中央纪委驻教育部纪检组组长、教育部党组成员王立英围绕高校反腐倡廉工作做了专题报告。自治区高校工委书记、教育厅厅长秦斌参加会议并做总结讲话,自治区纪委副书记蒋克昌,自治区高校工委副书记、纪工委书记、教育厅纪检组组长秦敬德,广西招生考试院院长李清先等领导以广西大学召开。会上,中央纪委驻教育部纪检组组长、教育部党组成员王立英围绕高校反腐倡廉工作做了专题报告。自治区高校工委书记、教育厅厅长秦斌参加会议并做总结讲话,自治区纪委副书记蒋克昌,自治区高校工委副书记、纪工委书记、教育厅纪检组组长秦敬德,广西招生考试院院长李清先等领导以 Our correspondent October 17, Guangxi College party conduct and clean government special anti-corruption work conference held in Guangxi University. At the meeting, Wang Liying, member of the discipline inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Ministry of Education and member of the party group under the Ministry of Education, made a special report on the work of combating corruption and upholding integrity in higher education institutions. Qin Bin, secretary of the Work Committee and Education Department of the autonomous region, attended the conference and made a concluding speech. Jiang Kechang, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the autonomous region, Qin Jingde, secretary of the Discipline Working Committee and head of the discipline inspection team of the Education Department of the autonomous region, Dean Li Qingxian and other leaders held by Guangxi University. At the meeting, Wang Liying, member of the discipline inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the Ministry of Education and member of the party group under the Ministry of Education, made a special report on the work of combating corruption and upholding integrity in higher education institutions. Qin Bin, secretary of the Work Committee and Education Department of the autonomous region, attended the conference and made a concluding speech. Jiang Kechang, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the autonomous region, Qin Jingde, secretary of the Discipline Working Committee and head of the discipline inspection team of the Education Department of the autonomous region, Dean Li Qing first and other leaders to
江苏是平原、丘陵地区,林业用地少,森林资源匮乏,林业产业基础较薄弱。自从 20 世纪70年代苏北地区引种南方型杨树无性系获得巨大成功以来,江苏在全国最早开发了杨木加工业,
我在大学学习的是新闻专业,毕业后从事的是新闻工作,从60年代初与新闻结下不解之缘至今,屈指算来已30多年了。 古人说;“三十而立,四十而不惑。”在新闻战线已过“立”年的
什么是好男人?一千个女人就会有一千个答案。要是问我。我会说:好男人须在X与非X之间。 X是财富,好男人须在富与不富之间。男人是穷光蛋,屋没一间,车没一辆,上街买菜得摸着
20世纪80年代以来,像其他工具书一样,外语缩略语词典大量编纂出版,笔者搜集的各语种、各专业缩略语词典即达百种。其中绝大多数为英语缩略语词典,但它们的现状并不尽如人意。 英语缩
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