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本文利用镀锌铁皮制成模拟仓桶模拟实仓环境,试验表明该仓具有较好的模拟实仓条件的能力。在此模拟条件下,我们分别对我国主要的三种仓虫——玉米象、谷蠹、杂拟谷盗的单一种群以及两两混合种群、三种仓虫的混合种群的生长发育对粮温变化的影响进行了研究。结果表明:昆虫的生长发育对粮温变化有很明显的增温作用。混合种群的增温能力高于单一种群;玉米象产生增温所需的时间最短,谷蠹较慢,但谷蠹最终导致的粮温增量高于玉米象。杂拟谷盗对粮温增量最低,上层温度受昆虫的影响最大,中、下层较弱;虫口密度的增加,使粮堆的增温量也随之增加。但是,粮堆温度的增加与虫口密度没有直接相关,而是与昆虫总的活动量相关。当外温降低时,尽管昆虫的数量较高,但总的活动力却降低了,因此,对粮堆的增温能力反而降低了。 This paper makes use of galvanized sheet metal to simulate warehouse real environment, the experiment shows that the warehouse has a good ability to simulate the real warehouse conditions. Under the simulated conditions, we studied the growth and development of the mixed populations of three species of the main three species of C. elegans - The impact of change was studied. The results showed that the growth and development of insects had obvious warming effects on the changes of grain temperature. The warming ability of the mixed population was higher than that of the single population; the shortest time needed for warming the corn and the slower for the wormwood, but the increment of the grain temperature caused by the corn borer was higher than that of the corn. The increase of grain temperature was the lowest among miscellaneous grains, while the temperature of upper layer was the most affected by insects. The middle and lower layers were weaker. The increase of population density also increased the temperature increase of grain piles. However, the increase in grain temperature is not directly related to the population density, but rather to the total insect activity. When the outside temperature is lower, the total activity decreases even though the number of insects is higher, so the warming ability of the grain pens lessens.
一、什么是延迟性肌肉酸痛 在田径教学训练中,完成不适应的动作或大强度离心力量练习后会出现肌肉酸痛或不舒适的感觉,由于这种酸痛不是发生在运动后即刻,而是在运动后8-48
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75.什么是无土栽培? 无土栽培又叫营养液栽培,它是一种不用天然土壤,而把作物栽在营养液中,或栽培在草炭、(石至)石、砂子、岩棉、锯末、珍珠岩、塑料泡沫等基质中,进行定时