
来源 :江西农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiminis
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发展低温贮种是我国今后种子工作的必经之路。为了延长种子寿命,保持种子活力,做好良种贮备,避免种子积压和转商损失,我公司于1984年建设,一座低温低湿仓库,面积400平方米,可贮藏种子40万公斤。1989年正式投入使用,经两年试贮,效果良好,效益显著。现就低温贮种技术和效益简述如下: 一、低温低湿仓库设计 根据种子在低温摄氏15度以下和相对温度65%的条件下,处于微呼吸状态,一年内生活力不降低的原理,我公司参照外地经验,结合本地实际情况,设计了低温低湿仓库的参数标准。要求种子贮藏温度在10~15℃,相对温度65%,保存种子一年。因此,在建筑设计和保温材料的选择上,尽量简化。既要保温 Development of low-temperature storage is the only way for the seed work in our country. In order to prolong seed life, maintain seed vigor, reserve seeds, avoid seed backlog and transfer loss, our company built in 1984, a low-temperature and low-humidity warehouse covering an area of ​​400 square meters and storing 400,000 kg seeds. Officially put into use in 1989, after two years trial storage, the effect is good, significant benefits. Now on the low-temperature storage technology and benefits are summarized as follows: First, the design of low-temperature low-humidity warehouse Seed under the conditions of low temperature below 15 degrees Celsius and relative temperature of 65%, in a state of micro-breathing, within one year does not reduce the vitality of the principle, I Companies with reference to foreign experience, combined with the actual local conditions, the design of the low temperature and humidity warehouse parameter standards. Requirements of seed storage temperature at 10 ~ 15 ℃, the relative temperature of 65%, save the seeds for one year. Therefore, in the architectural design and selection of insulation materials, try to simplify. It is necessary to keep warm
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每届奥运会都是赞助商展示自己的重要舞台,与往届奥运会不同的是,今年的北京奥运会多了一种新的赞助商——互联网内容服务赞助商。2005年,经过激烈角逐,搜狐脱颖而 Each Oly
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