
来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongjiansu
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面对2010/2011年复杂的粮油收购形势,农发行内蒙古自治区分行牢固树立大局意识、政策意识、责任意识和风险意识,按照“多收粮、收好粮、防风险”的总体要求,把支持跨年度粮油收购作为全行的头等大事、中心工作来抓,目前,粮油收购资金供应与管理工作进展顺利,没有出现大的问题。及早动手,做好秋粮收购贷款资格认定工作为了做好支持秋粮收购工作,农发行内蒙古分行及早动手,按照方便农民售粮、企业收粮和不出现县域内粮油收购空白点的 Faced with the complex grain and oil acquisition in 2010/2011, the IDB Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region branch firmly established the overall situation awareness, policy awareness, responsibility awareness and risk awareness. According to the general requirements of “receiving more food, receiving better food and preventing risks” To support cross-year grain and oil acquisitions as the bank’s top priorities, the center work to grasp, at present, grain and oil acquisition fund management and supply progress smoothly, there is no major problems. As soon as possible, do a good job in autumn grain acquisition loan qualification work In order to do a good job in support of autumn grain acquisition, the Agricultural Development Bank branch in Inner Mongolia as soon as possible, in accordance with the convenience of farmers to sell grain, business income and grain does not appear in the county acquisition of blank point
<正> 一 1988年10月13日,当无线电波将本年度诺贝尔文学奖授予纳·马哈福兹的消息传遍全世界时,埃及举国上下一片欢腾。当晚,埃及电视台头条新闻播出了这一消息。这是一位用
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In the recent decades,the incidence of hepatocellularcarcinoma(HCC)has been found to be increasing in malesin some countries.In China,HCC ranked second of canc