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当今世界处于“知识爆炸”、“信息泛滥”的年代,科学技术的发展迫切需求情报工作要适应社会需求,要求情报人员能从“爆炸”的信息中快速、准确地获取用户所需情报。高校情报工作的特点是为教学、科研和决策服务。那么在高校基本实现图书情报一体化的今天,我省高校图书馆情报工作开展状况如何呢?山西省普通高校图书馆情报工作交流会于90年11月20日在山西矿院图书馆召开,有19所高校37位代表参加了会议,从大会发言和小组讨论及我们搞的《山西省高校图书馆情报工作调查提纲》调查结果来看,我省普通高校图书馆的情报工作大体上是:部 Nowadays the world is in an era of “knowledge explosion” and “information proliferation”. The development of science and technology urgently needs intelligence work to meet the needs of the society. Intelligence personnel are required to quickly and accurately obtain the information they need from the “explosion” information. College intelligence work is characterized by teaching, research and decision-making services. Then the basic realization of the integration of library and information in colleges and universities today, the situation of our university library intelligence work? Shanxi Province, General Libraries Information Work Conference on November 20, 90 was held in Shanxi Institute of Library, there are 37 delegates from 19 colleges and universities attended the meeting. According to the speeches made by the general assembly and the panel discussion and the survey results of the “Investigation Outline of the Information Work of Shanxi University Libraries” that we conducted, the intelligence work of the general university libraries in our province is generally:
Directions:Read the following passage.The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C
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杀虫双是一种新农药,系高效、低毒、低残留,使用安全的广谱性杀虫剂。误服该药可致急性中毒,现将本院所见一例报告如下: 患者洪××,女性,60岁,农民,住院号32013,于1982年9
有机氮农药杀虫脒自七十年代初在我国就广泛用于农业生产。临床上报告引起中毒者甚多。但关于引起溶血性贫血者尚少有报道。现将本人经治1例报告如下: 病例摘要俞××:男,23
桥本氏病,一般多表现为甲状腺功能低下,合并甲状腺机能亢进者少见,特别是临床表现有眼球突出者更为罕见,我院于1982年12月收治1例,现报道如下: 患者女,30岁,工人,住院号2210
介绍了西门子S7-300系列CPU 315-2DP和CPU 313C-2DP的PLC控制系统在五强溪电厂泄洪系统集中控制系统改造中的应用,探讨基于SIMATIC WinCC的人机界面系统。 The application