南棕北引丛谈(三) 南棕北引 势在必行

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棕榈科植物以其形态独特、用途广泛而有很高的观赏价值和经济价值,近年来在国内外都大受欢迎,需求日增,引种棕榈在世界各地已成风气。除南极洲外,欧洲是一个几乎没有原生棕榈的大陆。欧洲人初见棕榈始于麦哲伦、哥伦布航海探险的“地理大发现”年代(晚于我国明代郑和七下西洋近百年)。在随后的扩张过程中,早期殖民者将这些珍稀植物从美洲、亚洲、大洋洲、非洲的海外领地带回本土,棕榈之美立即倾倒欧洲。皇宫贵族争相珍藏,或植于皇家植物园,或植于私家花园温室。一时间,拥有棕榈植物成了权贵、地位的象征,他们互相攀 With its unique morphology, wide range of uses and high ornamental value and economic value, palm plants are popular both at home and abroad in recent years with increasing demand. Introduction of palm has become a trend in many parts of the world. In addition to Antarctica, Europe is a continent with little native palms. The first appearance of the European palm began in the Magellan, Columbus sailing “geo-discovery” era (later than the Ming Dynasty in China seven and nearly seven centuries of the West). During the ensuing expansion, early colonists brought these rare plants back to their homelands from the overseas territories of the Americas, Asia, Oceania and Africa, and the beauty of the palm immediately dumped Europe. Palace aristocrat competing collections, or planted in the Royal Botanic Gardens, or planted in private gardens greenhouses. For a time, having palm plants became a symbol of power and status, and they climbed one another
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