Diagnosis of process faults and sensor faults in a class of nonlinear uncertain systems

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenproklklklkl
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This paper presents a fault diagnosis method for process faults and sensor faults in a class of nonlinear uncertain systems.The fault detection and isolation architecture consists of a fault detection estimator and a bank of adaptive isolation estimators,each corresponding to a particular fault type.Adaptive thresholds for fault detection and isolation are presented.Fault detectability conditions characterizing the class of process faults and sensor faults that are detectable by the presented method are derived.A simulation example of robotic arm is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the fault diagnosis method. This paper presents a fault diagnosis method for process faults and sensor faults in a class of nonlinear uncertain systems. The fault detection and isolation architecture consists of a fault detection estimator and a bank of adaptive isolation estimators, each corresponding to a particular fault type. Adaptive thresholds for fault detection and isolation are presented. Fault detectability conditions characterizing the class of process faults and sensor faults that are detectable by the presented method are derived. A simulation example of robotic arm is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the fault diagnosis method.
通俗而不庸俗,亲和而不迎合,愉悦而不低俗,消遣而不恶俗,在娱乐化的同时,“润物细无声”地为大众提供健康的精神晚餐。 Popular but not vulgar, pro-and not catered to pl