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在人类即将步入信息化社会之际,中国开始着力发展社会主义市场经济。如何在市场经济建设进程中迎接即将到来的信息化社会的挑战和冲击,是摆在我们面前的一个现实而又重大的课题。 郑英隆同志经过长期探索,在其推出的《市场信息经济导论——中国市场经济发展问题新视角》这本专著中,独辟蹊径,以一个经济学人的强烈历史责任感,构建了与中国国情相适应的信息经济理论体系。该书思路清新,观点鲜明,结构严谨,论证充分。不仅是一本探索具有中国特色信息经济理论的有价值的学术著作,而且是一本从新的角度认识和把握中国市场经济发展的力作。具体地说,这本专著的新意和特色主要体现在以下三个方面: 1.思路新。如何发展社会主义市场经济?面对这一宏大而复杂的系统工程,经济理论界见仁见智,先后提出了种种“重点突破”的思路和对策,如“企业重点突破论”、“宏观调控论”、“市场发育论”、“区域梯度推进论”、“产业结构优化论”、“交通商通的两通突破论”等等。对此,作者认为,“只谋求解决迫在眉睫的问题的那种诊断疗法与态度,显然不是治本的,于事无补的”;“我国欠发达的信息经济及其发展对策并未引起人们应有的重视”;“时至目前为止,有关发展中信息经济问题仍未能摆上我国整个欠发达经济改造与全面发 As mankind is about to enter the information society, China began to focus on developing a socialist market economy. How to meet the challenge and impact of the upcoming information society in the process of building a market economy is a real and significant issue before us. After long-term exploration, Comrade Zheng Yinglong has invented this book titled “An Introduction to Market Information Economy - A New Perspective on the Market Economic Development in China” with a strong sense of historical responsibility as an economist and constructed a series of articles in accordance with China’s national conditions Information Economic Theory System. The book fresh ideas, distinctive point of view, the structure is rigorous, fully justified. It is not only a valuable academic book to explore the theory of information economy with Chinese characteristics, but also a masterpiece of understanding and grasping the development of China’s market economy from a new perspective. Specifically, the new ideas and characteristics of this monograph are mainly reflected in the following three aspects: 1. New ideas. How to develop the socialist market economy? Faced with this grand and complex system engineering, economic theory circles have different opinions, and have put forward various ideas and countermeasures such as “key breakthroughs in enterprises” and “macro-control theory” “Market Development Theory”, “Regional Gradient Promotion Theory”, “Theory of Industrial Structure Optimization”, “Traffic Passing Two-way Breakthrough Theory” and so on. In this regard, the author believes that “only to seek solutions to imminent problems that the diagnosis of treatment and attitude, obviously not a permanent solution, does not help”; “China’s less developed information economy and its development strategy did not arouse people’s due Emphasis on ”;" So far, the issue of developing information economy still can not be put on the entire underdeveloped economy in our country and the overall development
1980年,深圳经济特区成立之后不久,深圳市粤剧团就诞生了。今年,在举国上下欢庆深圳经济特区成立30周年的大喜日子里,我们深圳市粤剧团迎来30岁的大生日。 Shortly after th