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中学历史教材中介绍了许多人物,单是中古史就有近300个,怎样对这些错综复杂的历史人物给予科学的正确的评价呢?1.用生产力标准来考察历史人物的社会实践活动。将历史人物放到特定的历史条件下进行分析和评价,用生产力标准来考察、衡量其社会实践活动,包括政治、军事、文化活动诸方面。如果其社会实践活动顺应历史发展潮流,有利于推动当时社会生产力的发展,就应该给予肯定。反之,就应当批评甚至否定。像千古一帝秦始皇,他灭了六国,统一中国,顺应了当时由分裂到统一的历史趋势,首创专制主义中央集权制,实现郡县制,统一货币、文字、度量衡等措施,既巩固了统一,又有利于当时封建经济、文化的发展;派蒙恬北击匈奴,修筑长城,则保障了北边的稳定,这一切都顺应了时代发展的潮流,因此他是一个有作为的地主阶级军事家、政治家。但他焚书坑儒,实行文化专制,大兴土木,滥用民力;“族诛”“连坐”,刑法严酷,弄得民不聊生,怨声载道,以致于百姓揭竿而起、斩木为兵,群起推翻了秦王朝的统治。从这一方面看,他又是个暴君。由此可见,历史人物的活动具有多重性,评价时一定要具体问题具体分析,就拿“焚书坑儒”这一措施来说,也是由当时历史条件所决定的。战国时出现诸子百家, There are many characters introduced in the history textbooks of middle schools, and there are nearly 300 in the history of Middle Ages. How can these complicated historical figures be given scientific and correct assessments? Using productivity standards to examine the social practice activities of historical figures. Historical figures are put under specific historical conditions for analysis and evaluation, and productivity standards are used to examine and measure their social practice activities, including political, military, and cultural activities. If its social practice activities are in conformity with the trend of historical development and are conducive to promoting the development of social productivity at that time, it should be affirmed. On the contrary, it should be criticized or even denied. Like the emperor Qin Shi Huang, he destroyed the six countries and united China, conformed to the historical trend of splittism and reunification at that time, pioneered the autocratic centralization system, realized the system of counties and counties, and unified measures such as currency, writing, measures, and so on. Unification was also conducive to the development of the feudal economy and culture at that time; sending Mongolians to attack the Huns and building the Great Wall ensured the stability in the north. All this conforms to the trend of development of the times. Therefore, he is a capable landlord and strategist. ,politician. However, he burned his books and confederated Confucianism, practiced cultural autocracy, and carried out cultural and autonomy, abused the people’s power; the “family singer” “sit even”, and the criminal law was harsh, which made the people indifferent to life, and complained about their rumors. As a result, the people rose to the wall and the coffins became soldiers, and the masses overthrew the rule of the Qin Dynasty. . From this perspective, he is also a tyrant. It can thus be seen that the activities of historical figures are multifaceted, and concrete questions must be analyzed concretely when evaluating them. Taking the measure of “burning books with Confucianism” is also determined by historical conditions at that time. In the Warring States period, there were hundreds of children.
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