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一黄兴是中国近代资产阶级民主革命家。他一生除致力推翻腐朽的清王朝、创立资产阶级民主共和国和反对袁世规复辟倒退等重大革命活动外,也很重视社会经济建设,发展祖国实业。中华民国建立后,黄兴曾一度奔走呼号,把振兴实业发展社会生产作为苏民困、厚国力,回收权利和抵御外侮的根本道路。其实业救国思想主要体现在下列六个方面: 第一、大力发展教育事业、改革教育结构,以培养人才,提高中华民族的素质。中国近代之所以受到大小帝国主义国家侵略和欺凌,主要是由于社会制度腐败和经济技术落后。而中国教育长期落后,特别是八股取士的愚民政策,禁锢了人们头脑,抑制了思想和科学技术的发展。因此,自甲午战争后,废科举、办学堂和兴西学的呼声,逐 A Huang Xing is a modern Chinese bourgeois democratic revolutionist. In addition to devoting his energies to overthrowing the decadent Qing Dynasty, establishing a bourgeois democratic republic and opposing the great revolutionary activities such as Yuan's regain and regression, he also attached great importance to social and economic construction and the development of the motherland's real estate. After the founding of the Republic of China, Huang Hsing once ran for a call sign and took the revitalization of social development in industrial development as the basic road to social stability and social security. The concept of saving the nation by industry is mainly embodied in the following six aspects: First, vigorously develop education, reform the educational structure so as to train qualified personnel and enhance the quality of the Chinese nation. The reason why the modern China was invaded and bullied by the big and small imperialist countries was mainly due to the corruption of the social system and the backward economy and technology. The outdated education in China, especially the obscurantism policy of winning eight bats, has restrained people's minds and restrained the development of ideas and science and technology. Therefore, since the Sino-Japanese War, the abolition of imperial civil examinations, running schools and the rise of Western learning voice, by
1.不容忽视的移栽环节 我们在移栽机具的试验过程中,用小钵秧苗移栽,采用专用秧盘,因其体积小,秧盘育苗株数多,栽植时,由于供苗及时,移栽比较可靠,使较大面积的移栽成为可能
“饮居·九舍”不是一栋建筑,而是一个关于城市设计的“建筑群”。九舍是STUDIO QI创造ART-STAY理念在中国的第一个实践项目,位于西塘古镇。ART-STAY指在一定空间中挖掘和植
华尔(Frederick Townsend Ward)1831年出生在美国麻萨诸塞州的塞勒姆,他大学没有念完就出海闯荡,做过海船大副和陆军雇佣兵,在墨西哥和克里米亚打过仗,1860年来到上海。那时,
对某些比较独特、新颖的物理问题,若能灵活地进行转化,能化难为易.例1 如图1所示,当滑动变阻器滑片 P 置于某一位 For some of the more unique and novel physics problem
<正> 徐谦是中国近代史上有一定影响的人物,也是一个比较复杂的人物。他出身清末翰林,而能投身民主革命,真诚地追随孙中山,和中国共产党合作,在北伐战争中期,和蒋介石的倒行逆施进行了尖锐的斗争,为国民革命作过许多有益的工作。但是,在