Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones in Sri Lanka Using Arial Photography,Remote Sensing an

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Majority of the population of Sri Lanka does not have modern pipe-born water system especially in rural areas.They depend entirely on deep hand pump tube wells and shallow dug wells for their domestic water requirements.Most of the shallow dug wells in the dry zone of Sri Lanka go dry during the dry period. So construction of tube wells increasing very rapidly in the dry zone of Sri Lanka.Groundwater potential zone maps are the most essential tool for locating tube wells.Arial photographs,Geographical Information Systems(GIS) data and satellite images have proven Majority of the population of Sri Lanka does not have modern pipe-born water system especially in rural areas. They depend entirely on deep hand pump tube wells and shallow dug wells for their domestic water requirements. Host of the shallow dug wells in the dry zone of Sri Lanka go dry during the dry period. So construction of tube wells increasing very rapidly in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Groundwater potential zone maps are the most essential tool for locating tube wells. Arial photographs, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data and satellite images have proven
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