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草菇(兰花菇)是栽培方法最简单、原料最丰富、产菇最快,因而也是最优秀的食用菌之一。目前,随着气温增高,栽培草菇的季节已经到来了。但历来草菇单产很低,如何使草菇达到优质高产呢?笔者以为精心培育菌种是提高草菇产量的关键之一。下面准备就这个问题,谈几点看法。1、要通过品种比较试验,选择适宜当地气候条件、对病虫害的抵抗力强的高产优质品种作为当家品种。各种型号的品种,如大、中、小粒型不能混杂一起,否则出菇率低,甚至不出菇。2、为了防止菌种退化,必须采用组织分离法和孢子分离法交替进行。有些单位长年采用组织分离法,这是造成菌种衰退,产量逐年下降的一个重要原因,应引起注意。 Straw mushroom (mushroom) is the easiest cultivation methods, the most abundant raw materials, mushroom fastest, and therefore one of the best edible fungi. At present, as the temperature rises, the season of planting mushrooms has arrived. But evergreen straw yield is very low, how to make straw mushrooms to achieve high quality and high yield? I believe that careful cultivation of bacteria is one of the keys to improve mushroom yield. The following preparation on this issue, talk a few comments. 1, through the varieties of comparative tests, select the appropriate local climatic conditions, resistance to pests and diseases of high yield and high quality varieties as the head varieties. Various types of varieties, such as large, medium and small particles can not be mixed together, or fruiting rate is low, not even fruiting. 2, in order to prevent the degeneration of bacteria, we must use tissue separation and spore separation method alternately. Some units for many years using the method of organizational separation, which is caused by strain decline, the annual output decline is an important reason that should be noted.
【英国《新科学家》周刊10月28日一期文章】题:甲流——事实与幻想之争  第二波甲流疫情目前正在北半球肆虐。病例数量正在迅速攀升,在一些地方免疫接种已经开始。  那有什么了不起的呢?病毒没有进化成一些人害怕的洪水猛兽,大多数病例并不严重。所有那些流行病警告都只是危言耸听吗?英国南安普顿的布彻一家不会这样说的。8月,他们18岁的女儿玛德琳在度假回来后患病,呼吸急促。两周后她死于医院。  美国马里兰州
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