抓住机遇求发展 面向市场找出路

来源 :交通企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shushuclover1
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柳州汽车运输总公司是一个具有42年历史的国有企业,现有职工3400多人,固定资产6000多万元。各种客、货车476辆,下属23个基层单位分布在柳州市及地区10个县。改革开放以来,面对着零配件、燃润料价格上涨,运输市场竞争激烈的情况,全司员工团结奋斗,锐意进取,强化了企业管理,狠抓了机制的转换;按照“一业为主、多种经营”的方针,进一步调整了企 Liuzhou Motor Transport Corporation is a 42-year-old state-owned enterprise with more than 3,400 employees and over 60 million yuan in fixed assets. A total of 476 passengers and trucks, 23 subordinate units are distributed in Liuzhou City and 10 counties. Since the reform and opening up, faced with the increase in prices of spare parts and materials, and fierce competition in the transportation market, employees of the entire company have united and strived to forge ahead, strengthened enterprise management, and paid close attention to the transformation of the mechanism; , diversified business” policy, further adjustment of the enterprise
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试验设计4组共8个格构式钢骨-钢管混凝土柱和圆钢管-混凝土柱,其中2个短柱(L=500 mm)、2个中长柱(L取1 500 mm)、4个长柱(L取2 500、3 500 mm)试件。通过对钢骨-钢管混凝土柱
特殊发作型癫痫24例临床分析范建生1张勇1巴图21临床资料本组24例特殊类型癫痫病例系1988~1996年就诊者,男10例,女14例,就诊年龄2~58岁,平均236岁,起病年龄:<14岁10例≥14岁14例,平均201岁,全部病例均经脑电图证实,... 24
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苦难是一笔财富,它会锤炼人的意志,苦难是一种经历,使人获得生活的真谛。因为有了苦难,才有了雨后的彩虹;因为有了苦难,才有了寒冬后的阳光…… Suffering is a fortune, it
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