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剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕妊娠(CSP)发生在有剖宫产史的妇女,再次妊娠时,胚胎着床在前次子宫切口处,随着妊娠的进展,绒毛与子宫肌层粘连、植入,严重者可穿透子宫造成子宫破裂,导致子宫切除,如果误诊为早孕而行人工流产 Cesarean scar after uterine pregnancy (CSP) occurred in women with a history of cesarean section, pregnancy again, the embryo implantation in the previous uterine incision, with the progress of pregnancy, villi and myometrial adhesions, implantation , Severe cases can penetrate the uterus caused by rupture of the uterus, leading to hysterectomy, misdiagnosed as early pregnancy and artificial abortion
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Sexually transmitted infections(STIs) represent a significant public health concern.Several STIs,once thought to be on the verge of extinction,have recently ree
AIM:To investigate the risk factors for liver-related mortality in chronic hepatitis C(CHC)patients.METHODS:All deceased CHC inpatient data were collected from
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2010年第41卷第5期358页新闻稿《试管婴儿之父Robert G.Edwards》中,应将“用配子输卵管内移植法于1978年创造出了第一个试管婴儿——Louise Brown”改为“用体外受精、回输
Objective:To evaluate the possible association between Toll-interleukin 1 receptor(TIR) domain containing adaptor protein(TIRAP;also known as MAI.) rsl893352 an