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分析军队院校图书馆读者服务现状,指出建设信息共享空间是目前军队院校图书馆创新服务最值得尝试的举措之一。以本馆学科共享空间建设为例,从实体空间、资源及人员建设等几个方面对图书馆信息共享空间的构建进行论述,并对今后信息共享空间建设有关问题进行探讨。 This paper analyzes the current situation of readers service in military academy libraries and points out that building information-sharing space is one of the most worthwhile attempts to innovate service in military academies and libraries. Taking the construction of the shared space of the main subject as an example, this paper discusses the construction of the information sharing space of the library from the aspects of physical space, resources and personnel building, and discusses the related issues of the future information sharing space construction.
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