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  It is strange to think of karaoke as an invention. The practice predates its facilitating devices, and the concept transcends its practice: Karaoke is the hobby of being a star; it is an adjuvant for the truest you an audience could handle.1
  Karaoke does have a parent. In the late 1960s, Daisuke Inoue was working as a club keyboardist, accompanying drinkers who wanted to belt out2 a song. “Out of the 108 club musicians in Kobe, I was the worst,” he told Time. One client, the head of a steel company, asked Inoue to join him at a hot springs resort where he’d hoped to entertain business associates. Inoue declined, but instead recorded a backing tape tailored to the client’s erratic singing style.3 It was a success. Intuiting a demand, Inoue built a jukeboxlike device fitted with a car stereo and a microphone, and leased an initial batch to bars across the city in 1971.4 “I’m not an inventor,” he said in an interview. “I simply put things that already exist together, which is completely different.” He never patented the device (in 1983, a Filipino inventor named Roberto del Rosario acquired the patent for his own sing-along system) though years later he patented a solution to ward5 cockroaches and rats away from the wiring.
  In 1999, Time named Inoue one of the “most influential Asians” of the last century; in 2004, he received the Ig Nobel prize, a semiserious Nobel-parody honor by true laureates at Harvard University.6 At the ceremony, Inoue ended his acceptance speech with a few bars of the Coke jingle “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.”7 The crowd gave him a standing ovation, and four laureates serenaded him with “Can’t Take My Eyes off You” in the style of Andy Williams.8 “I was nominated as the inventor of karaoke, which teaches people to bear the awful singing of ordinary citizens, and enjoy it anyway,” Inoue wrote in an essay. “That is ‘genuine peace,’ they told me.”
  Karaoke is a social medium, a vector for a unit of your sensibility, just as mediated as any other, although it demands different materials.9 Twitter calls for wit, Instagram for aesthetic,10 but karaoke is supposed to present your nudest self.
  Globally, karaoke is customizable: You can sing for an audience, or you can rent a box with your friends; you can rent a karaoke stall like a photo booth, or buy a Magic Sing to perform with at home among family. In 2011, a karaoke chain called 1Kara opened its first location in Tokyo. It offers singing pods for one, like a driving range or a batting cage, complete with mixers and condenser mics.11“There is nothing to hold you back now!”the company’s website reads “You can truly lose yourself12 to the music.”   Hobbies are a way to feel good about yourself in spite of your inadequacies. For the moment you rounded third, it didn’t matter that your breath smells chronically of wood rot,13 or that you never see your kids. Karaoke, however, makes a showcase of your inadequacies. Up there it’s just you and a backing track. No lighting scheme is going to make you look much better than you look. No mix is going to make you sound much better than you sound. A bad singer will try to forget the fact, but a better performer will work with it. Karaoke is a way of performing your shortcomings, which implies the hope of transfiguring them—flaws become eccentricities,14 which add up to character.
  For most of us, singing is a private activity. It involves a volume of expression that is totally inappropriate in most areas of life, as well as bodily configurations reserved mostly for bedrooms and bathrooms.15 Karaoke is a way to be in public as you might be in private. It’s an easy way to be vulnerable, and to be comfortable with other people’s vulnerabilities, which is just as fulfilling:16 So much of the stress of being among others is of remaining kind and patient when they remind you of yourself. Karaoke is the spectacle of a compromised state.17 There are many compromised states. In one you might be squinting and yowling a song you can’t sing; in others you might be screaming at a friend, or sucker-punching a stranger.18 Just as a sad song offers melancholy in place of misery, karaoke makes hubris look cute.19
  Every communicative medium has its drawbacks. Facebook can establish the community of your people—everyone you’ve ever met and want to stay in touch with—but it can produce a miasma20 of your past, and pin you to the person you used to be. Twitter is a great way to correct yourself, but a terrible place to be mistaken. Text messaging is a means of coexisting in solitude, but it can close a necessary distance. Living in public hasn’t eliminated the private self, but it has stratified levels of privacy, made more of the private exploitable.21 Karaoke presents as much naked you as most strangers could possibly enjoy; but it’s still mostly an add-on, something you mustn’t confuse with the you that requires permanent renovation.22 Whoever you are, you are worthy of attention and approval. May we remember what to keep to ourselves.
  人們把卡拉OK当做新发明是种很奇怪的想法。这种活动早在辅助设备出现前就有,且其概念超越了实践:卡拉OK是种当明星的爱好,是一种辅助工作,好让观众能接受最真实的你。   卡拉OK之父确有其人。在20世纪60年代末,井上大佑作为键盘手在一家俱乐部工作,给来喝酒喝得想高歌一曲的客人伴奏。“在神户的108个乐手中,我是最差的一个。”他对《时代》杂志说。有个客人是一家钢铁公司的高层,请井上去一家温泉度假村给自己伴奏,因为他要在那里招待生意伙伴。井上没去,而是给这位五音不全的客人录制了一盘伴奏带,结果大受好评。井上感知到了这一需求,于是制作了一台类似点唱机的设备,配上车载音响和麦克风,并在1971年把首批产品租赁给全城的酒吧。“我不是发明家,”他在一次采访中说,“我只是把已经存在的东西拼了起来,这是完全不一样的。”他从未给这种设备申请过专利(1983年,一个叫罗伯托·德尔·罗萨里奥的菲律宾发明家因其发明的跟唱系统获得了专利),虽然在多年后他为一种保护电线不受蟑螂和老鼠损害的解决方案申请了专利。
George Nelson was America’s most wanted man—a gangster so bloodthirsty, Al Capone booted him out of his gang for being too violent.2  On 20 April 1934, the police decided to get him. They’d been tippe
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没有什么运动能像走扁带一样,将你带回人生最初状态:摇晃着站起来,蹒跚地向前走,每迈出一小步,都获得至大成就。这26毫米之上的时间,即是你抛却世俗浮躁,回归初心的时间。  站立、行走、转身、跳跃,26毫米的动静之间,掌握人生超级平衡术。
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