Why Americans pay more for lunch为什么美国人的午餐更贵

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  今年夏天,为欧美的白领上班族供应三明治的Pret A Manger在菜单中加上了龙虾卷。其在英国的售价是5.99英镑,在美国的售价是9.99美元。尽管美国离龙虾产地更近,但Pret龙虾卷在那里的售价比英国贵。
  From the summer of 2020, Pret A Manger, a provider of sandwiches to desk?workers in the white?collar cities of the West, has been adding lobster rolls to its menu. In Britain they each cost £5.99; in America $9.99. In both countries they are filled with lobsters. Rent and labour cost about the same in London as in downtown New York or Boston. Yet a Pret lobster roll in America is pricier than in Britain, even though the lobster comes from nearer by.
  This Pret price gap is not limited to lobster rolls. According to the data gathered by The Economist on the dozen Pret sandwiches that are most similar in the two countries, the American ones cost on average 74% more. An egg sandwich in New York costs $4.99 to London’s £1.79, more than double.
  Menu pricing starts with a simple rule, says John Buchanan of the consulting arm of Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, a restaurant group: take the cost of ingredients and multiply it by three. Then ask yourself how much customers would expect to pay for a dish of this type. A Pret lobster roll and one from a fancy seafood restaurant are quite different things. Lastly, check what the competition charges. “Only a small part of this decision is what I would call scientific,” says Mr Buchanan. “A lot has to do with a subjective judgment of what the market will bear.”
  The lunch market is local. New Yorkers do not care about prices in London. And they—alongside Bostonians and Washingtonians—are used to their local high prices. Londoners are keener on sandwich lunches, which means severer competition in that part of the market.
  Often lunch prices vary by neighbourhood. They also vary by time: many restaurants charge more for dinner than for lunch. Understanding of value for money is relative but not absolute. For Pret’s lobster rolls, it’s a case of claws(爪) and effect.
  1. What’s Mr Buchanan’s attitude to the rule of menu pricing?
  A. It’s reasonable.
  B. It’s understandable.
  C. Most of it is unscientific.
  D. Most people ignore its function.
  2. What do we know about Londoners from the last but one paragraph?
  A. They like to have sandwiches for lunch.
  B. They do not care about local high prices.
  C. They always have subjective judgment.
  D. They are more competitive than New Yorkers.
  3. According to the last paragraph, the author thinks lunch prices
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王强华近照  历史需要回眸。同样,回眸历史需要时间和距离。一个人、一本书、一篇文章,要经过历史的检验才能看出其真正价值。四十多年前,《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》(以下简称“实”文)的发表,掀开了社会主义中国新的历史发展时期的崭新篇章,改变了整个中华民族的精神风貌,深刻地影响了当代中国。  “实”文最早刊发于1978年5月10日中央党校内部刊物《理论动态》; 5月11日,《光明日报》在头版刊出;是日
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