The English and the Americans

来源 :大学英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danfengtaoyang
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1.It has been said that the English and the Americans are twogreat peoples separated by one language.~*The differences for whichlanguage gets blamed may not be due so much to words as to com-munications on other levels beginning with English intonation(whichsounds affected to many Americans)and continuing to ego-linked waysof handling time,space,and materials.If there ever were two cultures~*in which differences of the proxemic details are marked it is in the ed-ucated(public school)English and the middle-class Americans.One of 1.It has been stated that the English and the Americans are twogreat peoples separated by one language.~*The differences for which languageguage gets blamed may not be due so much to words as to com-munications on other levels beginning with English intonation(whichsounds Affected to many Americans)and continuing to ego-linked waysof handling time,space,and materials.If there ever were two cultures~*in which differences of the proxemic details are marked it is in the ed-ucated(public school)English and The middle-class Americans.One of
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或许是由于受会武功的父亲的影响,我从小便有一股豪侠之气。骑车上街,我总喜欢靠近危险的一边。看到不公平的事,我也总有前去伸张正义的冲动。  但在小学五年级的时候,我的侠义精神受到一次重大打击。  那时候,我们学校门口每天都有三五个小流氓拦截小学生,搜取零花钱。由于我瘦小朴素,从未成为他们攻击的目标。可有一天,他们拦住了我的一位好朋友,而我那天正好和她同路。我毫不畏惧,一步步向那个逼近我们的大个子走去
英语中的重叠介词(double preposition)为数不多。它们通常由两个简单介词构成,常用来表达较复杂的地点或时间概念。 一、表示地点概念的重叠介词以介词from+另一介词居多数