
来源 :职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:the4eye
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“民国未筹,同济先创。悬壶于黄浦,泛舟在海上。壶中民生久,舟边社稷长。”从1907年走来的同济大学,让我们满怀敬意。100年,她历经坎坷而矢志不渝,执著于“振民济世、科学救国”的教育追求;100年,她诲人不倦,惠育天下,为民族和国家培养造就了25万栋梁之才;100年,她历久弥坚,始终秉持和弘扬“重品格、重基础、重能力、重实践”的优良传统和勤奋、求学的优良校风;100年,她精心培育并薪火传承着“同心同德同舟楫,济人济事济天下”的“同济”精神和文化。百年同济,不是时间的概念,而是一个历史的范畴、一个文明的高度,她代表着一个内涵丰富的价值体系。对于同济,作为职业教育的专业媒体,让我们尤为感动和钦敬的当然是其在职业教育这个维度上的价值追求和体现。多年来,这所著名的高等学府一直致力于推动中国职业教育事业的发展与进步,她对职业教育所表现出的热切情怀、高度的历史责任感,以及充满魅力的实践探索和理念表达,同样值得历史铭记。 “Republic of China did not raise, Tongji pioneered .Can hang pot in Huangpu, white water rafting in the sea .Human livelihood for a long time, the boat yacht.” From Tongji University came 1907, let’s full of respect. After 100 years of hard work, she persevered in her pursuit of “promoting the people through the world and saving the nation by science”. In 100 years, she taught tirelessly and benefited the whole world and created 250,000 Liang talents for the nation and the nation. For 100 years, she has a long history of perseverance and has always upheld and promoted the fine tradition of “relying on quality, heavy foundation, heavy ability and practicing” and her diligent and ethical school spirit. In 100 years, she carefully nurtured and inherited “One Tongxinluo the same boat to help the world economy,” “Tongji” spirit and culture. Hundred years of Tongji, not the concept of time, but a historical category, the height of a civilization, she represents a connotation of rich value system. As for Tongji, as a professional media of vocational education, of course, what makes us particularly touched and admired is of course its value pursuit and manifestation in the dimension of vocational education. Over the years, this famous institution of higher learning has been dedicated to promoting the development and progress of vocational education in China. Her passion for vocational education, her high degree of historical responsibility, and her glamorous practical exploration and conceptual expression are equally worthy Remember history.