
来源 :小城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxiao912
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5月3日11点32分,以我市哈业胡同乡为震中发生了6.4级强烈地震。在突发的自然灾害中,西部地区乡村的房屋,瞬间倒塌、倾斜、裂缝,危房遍地;人畜被坍塌的建筑物、构筑物砸死、砸伤。5月4日之后多次发生的余震又雪上加霜,致使大震未倒的房屋相继倒塌,危房程度加重,到目前为止,从村到乡,从机关、学校到乡镇企业,经济损失惨重,大多数农民群众,有家难回,中小学校仍露天教学,乡镇企业处于停产状态。 震灾发生后,市规土局十分重视,在安排好本局抗震自救的同时,动员职工捐款捐物,奔赴灾区慰问,并责成村镇办深入重灾地区,提出震后自救和重建家园的规划建设管理意见,以提供全方位服务。 At 11:32 on May 3, a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.4 occurred in the earthquake that hit Hye Hutong in the city of Hashi. In sudden natural disasters, the houses in rural areas in the western region collapsed instantaneously, tilted, cracked and dilapidated buildings were all over them. The buildings and structures inhabited by people and livestock were killed and injured. The aftermath of the aftershocks that occurred on and after May 4 was aggravated further by the collapse of the houses that had not collapsed in the earthquake and the severity of the dilapidated buildings. So far, from the villages to the townships and from the organs and schools to the township and village enterprises, the economic losses have been heavy, and most The peasants and the masses are hard-pressed to return home. Primary and secondary schools are still open-air teaching, and township and village enterprises are in a state of shutdown. After the disaster, the Municipal Bureau of Land, Resources and Land Bureau attaches great importance to this earthquake relief and self-help at the same time, mobilize the staff and donations, rushed to the disaster area condolences, and instructed the village and township offices in disaster areas, put forward the post-earthquake self-help and reconstruction of the homeland planning and construction Management advice to provide full service.
截止2000年8月31日,邳州市供电局实现了21年无人身死亡事故和连续安全生产1 850天的纪录。多年来,邳州供电局始终坚持“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,在各级安全生产责任制得到全面
专家们认为 ,当前我国劳动安全卫生形势不容乐观 ,职业安全卫生法律体系不适应市场经济的需要 ;管理体制尚未理顺 ;转变机制中的企业在安全生产管理和投入中存在的问题较多 ;
视网膜母细胞瘤 (Rb)是儿童最常见的原发性眼内肿瘤 ,已成为人们关注和研究的热点。本文主要对 Rb的化疗作一综述。 Retinoblastoma (Rb) is the most common primary intra
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目的研究我国X连锁无丙种球蛋白血症(XLA)患者Bruton′s酪氨酸激酶(BTK)基因的突变类型。方法采用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR),获得7例XLA患者cDNA。使用8对不同引物分2步扩增BTK cDNA,PCR产物测序。突变结果通过对DNA外显子相应部位扩增、测序证实。对其中4例母亲进行基因分析。结果7例患者的基因突变均位于BTK基因的编码区,3例在BTK的血小板-白细胞C激酶底物同