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阅读教学是语文教学的重头戏和难点。新课程标准认为,阅读是搜集处理信息、认识世界、发展思维,获得审美体验的重要途径。为此,笔者就农村中学语文阅读教学的理想方式谈几点认识。一、创建民主、和谐的教学氛围,张扬个性美国心理学家吉尔福特说过,没有个性就没有创新。所谓个性,是指一个人较稳定的,有一定倾向性的心理特征。这种特征调整着人的行为和内心活动。而研究表明,人在愉悦、和谐的情境中,良好的情绪会得到无限延展,智能会得到高效发挥,个性心理会得到充分展示。因此,创建语文课堂民主、和谐的教学氛围,就有利于学生个性的张扬,也有利于培养学生的创新思维。要做好这点,教师首先要意识到教的对象是一个思维活跃、好奇心强的群体。这样的群体来自农村,他们基础知识差,知识面窄,视野不开阔;其次要很好地调整自己的观念和心态,放下师道尊严的架子,与学生平等相处, Reading teaching is the highlight and difficulty of Chinese teaching. The new curriculum standard holds that reading is an important way to collect and process information, understand the world, develop thinking and gain aesthetic experience. For this reason, I talk about the ideal way of Chinese reading teaching in rural middle schools. First, create a democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere, publicity personality American psychologist Gilford said that there is no personality no innovation. The so-called personality, refers to a person more stable, there is a certain tendency of the psychological characteristics. This characteristic adjusts people’s behavior and inner activities. The research shows that in a pleasant and harmonious situation, the good emotions will be extended indefinitely, the intelligence will be given full play, and the individual psychology will be fully displayed. Therefore, to create a democratic and harmonious teaching atmosphere in Chinese classrooms is conducive to the publicity of students’ individualities and to the cultivation of innovative thinking of students. To do this, teachers must first realize that the object of teaching is a group of people who are active in thinking and curious. Such groups from the rural areas, their basic knowledge is poor, narrow knowledge, vision is not open; Second, we must well adjust their attitudes and mentality, down the shelf of dignity, equal treatment with students,
济南老年人大学前身为山东省红十字会老年大学分校, 成立于1983年,是全国省会城市创办最早的一所老年学校。 20多年来,在市委、市政府的高度重视和支持下,从办学设施、教学经
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曹志刚很健谈。在清华科技园学研大厦的10层,北京时代一峰信息技术有限公司的会议室里面,身为总裁的他神采飞扬。他说:“中国的旅游业市场是个非常好的市场,规模很大,发展速度很快,在线旅游这一块潜力非常大。”  在互联网经济的大潮中,诞生了一个又一个神话。从搜狐到百度,从Google到腾讯,无一例外,走在前面的人都为后来者提供了一个可以借鉴的经典案例。市场的细分也为更多的创业者提供了机会。当归国创业成为
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