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过去的一些课堂教学,尤其是复习课,往往过分强调教师的主导作用,教师先讲知识要点、知识结构,然后讲解例题,再测试、批改、评讲、订正。学生完全是在教师的支配下,把知识从老师那儿装进头脑,再模仿练习,通过机械重复达到技能、技巧熟练掌握的目的。但学生没有完全参与到课堂活动中来,他们的创新精神、实践能力没有得到充分的培养,而且教学往往陷入到拼时间、拼消耗、低效率竞争的怪圈之中,教师教得累,学生学得苦,而且收效甚微。这样仅仅以获取知识、技能、技巧为目的的教学,摧残和扼杀了学生的天性和创造力,不能够培养出时代所需要的新型人才,不符合当今教育的要求。要适应新课程目标的要求,就要不断地更新教学理念、改进和优化教学方法。现以单元复习课为例谈谈笔者的一些做法。 In the past, some classroom teaching, especially the review classes, often overemphasized the leading role of teachers. Teachers first talked about the main points of knowledge and the structure of knowledge, and then explained the examples and then tested, criticized, commented and revised. Students are completely under the control of teachers, put knowledge into the mind from the teacher there, and then imitate the practice, through the mechanical repetition to achieve skills, skills, master the purpose. However, students are not fully involved in the classroom activities, their innovative spirit and practical ability are not fully cultivated, and their teaching often falls into the cycle of competition, inefficiency and competition. Teachers are tired of teaching and students learn Got bitter, but with little success. In this way, merely teaching for the purpose of acquiring knowledge, skills and skills will destroy and strangle the nature and creativity of students, fail to cultivate the new talents needed by the times and not meet the requirements of today’s education. To meet the requirements of the new curriculum objectives, we must continue to update the teaching philosophy, improve and optimize teaching methods. Now the unit review class as an example to talk about some of the author’s practice.
近日,武汉石化隆重表彰并重奖了在该公司第十届职工技能竞赛中获得前三名的选手,其中第一名获“技术状元”称号。第二、三名获“技术能手”称号,这些选手除获得一次性 Recen
余甫向男,字燎原别署养心寿主,1964年生于信阳。师从当代著名书法家、现中国书法家协会主席张海先生为中中国国际文化艺术交流中心会员,曾多次参加国家、省、市书 Yu Fu to
中颅窝底肿瘤不易早期诊断,但伴发的耳聋与Ⅴ、Ⅶ颅神经症状,是通报该处肿瘤的重要“旗语”。 The middle cranial fossa tumors are not easy to diagnose early, but asso