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  语音:美式发音 适合泛听
  关键词:admired, poll
  Think about this for a minute. Who is the person you admire most?
  Well, if you looked away USA Today-Gallup poll just released, President Barak Obama is the person most admired—the most admired man—by people living here in the U.S. For the third straight year the President takes the most admired spot. He’s not the only one. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most admired woman for the ninth year in a row, edging out former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Oprah Winfrey.
  The USA Today measures this by telephone calls with a 1)random sampling of about a thousand adults, and that’s how they come up with this poll every year.
语音:英式发音 适合泛听  语速:150词/分钟  关键词:India, population, projection, burden    According to the 1)projection made by the government, over the last hundred years India’s population has seen a five-fold increas
语音:美式发音 适合精听  语速:150词/分钟  关键词:Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, billionaires, charity    新闻链接:《福布斯》全球亿万富豪前十位(数据公布于2010年3月)  1. Carlos Slim Helu (70岁) 墨西哥,电信  2. Bill Gates (54岁) 美国,IT  3. Warren Buffett (79岁
高考名列前茅,名校张开双臂欢迎你,父母亲友老师翘大拇指,你看到窗外阳光明媚。  出门堵车,上学迟到,电脑死机,老板脸黑。就在你恨不得撞墙的时候,却看到窗外依旧阳光灿烂。Life goes on.    身挎向往已久的名牌包包,手捧最新款的iPad,你感叹世界如此美好,连挡住了阳光的浓雾也显得那么富有诗意。  升学、晋升压力巨大,“蜗居”的日子看不到头,就在你觉得世界不公平的时候,却发现太阳照常升起
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in  my heart) i am never without it (anywhere  i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done  by only me is your doing, my darling)   i fear  no fate (for you are m
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