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  Every quarter, we get the latest figures for the 1)gross domestic product, or GDP. It’s a measure that’s been widely used to 2)gauge the economy since World War II. There’s a growing movement by economists to consider other factors—for example, happiness.
  Chris Wood came to Vermont 40 years ago as part of the 3)hippie movement. Now, he’s helped gather 200 people, old and young, from across the state and from as far away as South Africa and Bangladesh, to help launch a new movement.
  Chris: We’re about to drop off a very scary cliff that’s never been experienced in this planet, and it’s very urgent that things become very different.
  This group hopes to make things different by introducing an idea called gross national happiness. The philosophy comes from the tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, which long ago pledged not to let gross domestic product overshadow its 4)Buddhist ideals.
  Karma Tshiteem (Secretary of Happiness, Bhutan): From a government policy-making 5)perspective, we are more focused on creating the right conditions that can lead people to fulfilling and, hopefully, happy lives.
  Karma Tshiteem says they’ve come up with nine key indicators.
  Tshiteem: Psychological well-being, community vitality, cultural diversity, time use, good governance, health, education, ecology, and living standards.
  Here in Vermont, the hope was to convince people that considering those indicators is equally as important as measuring GDP. GDP soars when money changes hands, particularly in a crisis. But it doesn’t factor in anything without a dollar amount attached, like the time we spend at home with family, or volunteering. Professor Eric Zencey of Empire State College said quality of life shouldn’t get back-burnered.
  Zencey says Bhutan isn’t the only place 6)disenchanted with GDP. He points to a study 7)commissioned by the French president last fall to find alternatives, and to the state of Maryland, which in February adopted an indicator that factors in social well-being along with economic growth.
  After a day of training, most participants seemed to consider themselves ambassadors of gross national happiness. And like the hippie movement before them, they gathered in a circle to close the day with a gigantic hug.
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