Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-7 induces activation and transdifferentiation of hepatic

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_shijiwu
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AIM:To investigate the role of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-7 (IGFBP-7) in the activation and transdifferentiation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) in vitro.METHODS:Rat HSC-T6 cells were cultured in separate dishes and treated with various concentration of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1,IGFBP-7 or antiIGFBP-7 antibody for 24 h.The supernatant or a cytoplasm suspension was obtained from cultured HSC,followed by transfer of cells to form cell-coated dishes.Immunocytochemistry and Western blotting were used to analyze the expression of IGFBP-7 induced by TGF-β1 and the level of fibronectin,collagen and α-smooth muscle actin (SMA).The pro-apoptotic effect of antiIGFBP-7 antibody was determined by flow cytometry.RESULTS:Immunocytochemistry and Western blotting revealed that the expression of IGFBP-7 in TGF-β1 treated HSC was significantly up-regulated compared to that in the control group.In addition,fibronectin,collagen and α-SMA also showed enhanced expression in accordance with the transdifferentiation process in a dose-dependent manner to some extent.Moreover,flow cytometry suggested that anti-IGFBP-7 antibody induced apoptosis of activated HSC,which is responsible for the development of liver fibrosis,and may represent a novel pathway and target for therapeutic intervention.CONCLUSION:IGFBP-7 showed increased expression in activated HSC and played an important role in the activation and transdifferentiation process of HSC.AntiIGFBP-7 antibody may ameliorate liver fibrogenesis. AIM: To investigate the role of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-7 (IGFBP-7) in the activation and transdifferentiation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) in vitro. METHODS: Rat HSC-T6 cells were cultured in separate dishes and treated with various concentrations of transforming growth factor (TGF) -β1, IGFBP-7 or antiIGFBP-7 antibody for 24 h. The supernatant or a cytoplasm suspension was obtained from cultured HSCs, followed by transfer of cells to form cell- coated dishes. and Western blotting were used to analyze the expression of IGFBP-7 induced by TGF-β1 and the level of fibronectin, collagen and α-smooth muscle actin (SMA). The pro-apoptotic effect of anti IGFBP-7 antibody was determined by flow cytometry .RESULTS: Immunocytochemistry and Western blotting revealed that the expression of IGFBP-7 in TGF-β1 treated HSC was significantly up-regulated compared to that in control group. In addition, fibronectin, collagen and α-SMA also showed enhanced expression in ac cordance with the transdifferentiation process in a dose-dependent manner to some extent. Moreover, flow cytometry suggested that anti-IGFBP-7 antibody induced apoptosis of activated HSC, which is responsible for the development of liver fibrosis, and may represent a novel pathway and target for therapeutic intervention. CONCLUSION: IGFBP-7 showed increased expression in activated HSC and played an important role in the activation and transdifferentiation process of HSC. AntiIGFBP-7 antibody may ameliorate liver fibrogenesis.
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