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引言1996年8月,我又一次来到会宁县桃花山新区。我是在“特事特办,急事急办,新事新办,大胆试验”的原则下进入新区的;也是在“一个机构、一次决策、一枚图章、一路畅通”的办事程序中大踏步登上新区建设新台阶的。当年的宣言是:“一年起步,二年初具规模,三年跨上新台阶,五年造一座新城。”现在是第三年。晏门川热气腾腾,桃花山笼罩着祥云。此刻,我驾桃花山下、晏门川里因开发而腾飞的经济祥云,因三军会师60周年纪念而引来的政治祥云,直抵桃花山山巅,在烟岚缭绕、紫气飘飘的神圣之处,俯视新区向上的台阶,多彩的姿容。第一章在阳光中成长 Introduction In August 1996, I once again came to Huainian County Taohuashan new area. I entered the new district under the principle of “special affairs, urgent affairs, new things new and bold tests”; and also the principle of “one institution, one decision, one seal, all the way” Great strides in the program boarded the new district to build a new level. The declaration of the year was: “Starting in one year, beginning to take shape in two years, building a new stage in three years and building a new city in five years.” Now is the third year. Yanmen Chuan steam steaming, peach Hill enveloped the clouds. At the moment, I drove under the peach blossom hill, the economy that took off due to development in Yanmen River, and the political auspiciousness brought about by the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Third Army, went straight to the top of Peach Blossom Hill, , Overlooking the new district up the stairs, colorful posture. The first chapter grows in the sunshine
随着中国经济看来有望在今年温和放缓,一个新问题又开始呈现:今年的“软陆”会变成明年的“硬着陆”吗? As the Chinese economy looks set to moderately slow this year,
Huludao Harborl an iee一free good Port in the northem Part of China,relies on the Predominant industry of Huludao City, and bases on the business of eonveyanee