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子商务的快速增长对大小企业都有巨大的影响。网上贸易已经成为企业的新焦点 ,各行业纷纷结网准备开发网上的巨大市场。一般来说 ,企业上网的过程可分为三个阶段。市场营销部门往往是带领企业开发网上市场的先头部队。为提供更佳的服务 ,市场部门在很多企业中都是第一个上网的部门。在上网的首个阶段 ,很多市场部门只是选择性地将公司内部某些营销文件及产品资料转变成网页刊登在部门的网址内。到达第二个阶段的时候 ,组织内外对企业网页的要求日渐提高。顾客及企业的内部员工开始利用联网读取企业资料库内的数据 ,在企业的网址内用搜索器找寻资料 ,客户亦开始在网上购物。在这阶段 ,市场部门负责网页管理的人员必须和资讯科技部门的人员紧密联系 ,才能满足各方面人士上网的需要。同时 ,其它部门参与网址内容的程度亦日渐提高 ,最后愈来愈多的企业及顾客资料都可由企业的网站提供。在到达第二个阶段后 ,企业的网站将可就个别用户的需要而提供不同的资讯 ,同时可保护个别用户及消费者隐私。电子商务的第三个阶段是提供顾客个人化的服务。在这一个阶段 ,企业可把储存于资料库 The rapid growth of sub-commerce has a huge impact on both small and large businesses. Online trading has become the new focus of the enterprise, all industries have network construction ready to develop a huge online market. In general, the process of Internet companies can be divided into three stages. The marketing department is often the forerunner who leads the enterprise in developing the online marketplace. In order to provide better service, the marketing department is the first department to access the Internet in many enterprises. In the first phase of the Internet, many marketing departments simply selectively convert certain marketing documents and product information within the company into web pages that are posted on the department's website. At the second stage, the requirements for corporate web pages, both inside and outside the organization, are on the rise. Customers and internal employees of the company began to use the Internet to read the data in the enterprise database, search for the information by using a search engine in the website of the enterprise, and customers also started to shop online. At this stage, the people responsible for web page management in the marketing department must be closely linked with those in the IT department to meet the needs of all parties on the Internet. At the same time, the degree to which other departments are involved in the content of the web site is also on the rise. At the end, more and more business and customer information can be provided by the corporate website. Upon reaching the second phase, the corporate website will be able to provide different information on the needs of individual users while protecting the privacy of individual users and consumers. The third stage of e-commerce is to provide customers with personalized service. At this stage, companies can store in the database
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