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这是一首80年代末期出现的诗歌。当我们在今天再回首80年代,这首诗歌是远远超出了我们的阅读经验的:——与80年代人们的躁动不安相对,它显得那样的宁静、自然,既远离了所谓的先锋或者实验,又与当时的农业诗有着迥然别样的趣味。——陈超曾在一篇评论中说,大解的诗歌有着“自然与生命,历史与现实,文化与人性的深度综合”(见《诗歌》,大解著,花山文艺出版社1990年版),我觉得这对大解的诗歌而言,是非常准确而深刻的。尤其是对于这首《淡泊》。宁静、超然,似乎放弃了尘俗,又无处不散发着一种人类亘古以来积淀的文化意蕴。 “淡淡地泊着 这一片房子/宛如水边的青萍 年年绿得好看”,——这是第一节的开头两行。“淡泊”一词本来是指淡薄名利清心寡欲,但大解一开始就把这个词的意义进行了拆解和重构。拆解的是题旨,使读者对传统的语言意义产生转向,重构的则仍是对“淡泊”一词的传统意义的恢复——但经过了诗人灵魂的过滤:我的故乡淡淡地“泊”着,宛如水边的青萍年年绿得好看,难道这不也是一种“淡泊”的境界吗?这其中我们仍旧可以读 This is a poem that appeared in the late 1980s. When we look back on the 80s today, this poem goes far beyond our reading experience: — Compared with the restlessness of people in the 1980s, it appears to be so quiet and natural, away from so-called pioneers or experiments. There was a different kind of interest from the agricultural poetry of the time. - Chen Chao once said in a commentary that the poetry of Da Jie has “a deep synthesis of nature and life, history and reality, and culture and humanity” (see “Poetry”, Da Jie, Huashan Literature and Art Publishing House, 1990). I think this is very accurate and profound for the poetry of Daxie. Especially for this first “Indifferent”. Tranquility and detachment seem to give up the dust, and everywhere there is a kind of cultural implication accumulated since ancient times. “The green house in the house is like a green screen.” - This is the first two lines in the first quarter. The word “faint” originally meant thinning fame and fortune, but at the beginning of the solution, the significance of the word was dismantled and reconstructed. The dismantling is the theme, which makes the readers turn to the traditional linguistic meaning, and the reconstruction is still the restoration of the traditional meaning of the word “fainter”—but after the filtering of the soul of the poet: my hometown is faintly moored “Lying, like the green side of the water, Ping Ping looks beautiful every year. Isn’t this also an ”indifferent" realm? We can still read this.
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百子呈祥是一种古老的祝福。一种世代的愿景。  开心宝宝是一个青春的期盼,一个现实的憧憬。  百子呈祥,作为古老的祝词,真是再开心莫过的了。相传周文王妃大姒多子而再孕,群臣欢喜,作诗歌颂道:“大姒嗣徽音,则百斯男。”(《诗经·大雅·思齐》)译成白话,意思就是:大姒妃延续了周室美好的血脉,愿她生下一大堆胖娃娃。一个古老的画种《百子图》——百是多的意思——便由此产生。收藏于台湾故宫博物院的唐人周昉绘《麟
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