Animal models of ex vivo lung perfusion as a platform for transplantation research

来源 :World Journal of Experimental Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whhuazi
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Ex vivo lung perfusion(EVLP) is a powerful experimental model for isolated lung research. EVLP allows for the lungs to be manipulated and characterized in an external environment so that the effect of specific ventilation/perfusion variables can be studied independent of other confounding physiologic contributions. At the same time,EVLP allows for normal organ level function and real-time monitoring of pulmonary physiology and mechanics. As a result,this technique provides uniqueadvantages over in vivo and in vitro models. Small and large animal models of EVLP have been developed and each of these models has their strengths and weaknesses. In this manuscript,we provide insight into the relative strengths of each model and describe how the development of advanced EVLP protocols is leading to a novel experimental platform that can be used to answer critical questions in pulmonary physiology and transplant medicine. Ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) is a powerful experimental model for isolated lung research. EVLP allows for the lungs to be manipulated and characterized in an external environment so that the effect of specific ventilation / perfusion variables can be studied independently of other confounding physiologic contributions At the same time, EVLP allows for normal organ level function and real-time monitoring of pulmonary physiology and mechanics. As a result, this technique provides uniqueadvantages over in vivo and in vitro models. Small and large animal models of EVLP have been developed and each of these models has their strengths and weaknesses. In this manuscript, we provide insight into the relative strengths of each model and describe how the development of advanced EVLP protocols is leading to a novel experimental platform that can be used to answer critical questions in pulmonary physiology and transplant medicine.
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