Effects of Tang Mai Kang Capsule on Angioneurotic Lesions in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MUWANG
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The effects of Tang Mai Kang Capsule(糖脉康胶囊)on blood sugar level,gangrene of the tail-tip,painthreshold and learning and memory abilities were investigated in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.Theresults showed that Tang Mai Kang Capsule could significantly decrease blood sugar level and incidencerate of gangrene of the tail-tip,increase pain threshold,and strengthen learning and memory abilities,suggesting that Tang Mai Kang Capsule functions to decrease blood sugar level and improve thecomplicated angioneurotic lesions of diabetes. The effects of Tang Mai Kang Capsule on blood sugar level, gangrene of the tail-tip, painthreshold and learning and memory abilities were investigated in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.Theresults showed that Tang Mai Kang Capsule could significantly reduce Blood sugar level and incidence rate of gangrene of the tail-tip, increase pain threshold, and strengthen learning and memory abilities, suggesting that Tang Mai Kang capsule functions to decrease blood sugar level and improve thecomplicated angioneurotic lesions of diabetes.
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〔日〕/小池恒雄…∥应用药理.-2003,65(1/2).-39~41 叶状奇果菌(Grifola frondosa)为多孔菌科奇果菌属。奇果菌粉(SF73号)由奇果菌改良品种的子实体经食用有机酸处理后,干燥