Electrical power assisted steering for EVs and HEVs

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panok123
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Electrical power assisted steering (EPAS) is one of the key components, especially for electrical vehicle. It has attracted much attention for their advantages with respect to improved fuel economy and has been widely adopted as automotive power-steering equipment in recent years. EPS (electrical power steering) controllers contain MCU (microprocessor control unit) to implement the complex control algorithms. EPS control strategy development is the core technology of the whole system. To achieve the better performance of driving, both mechanical structures and electrical structures are totally designed as a whole. Model-based development is recommended to software design. There are several trends about EPS’ future, such as high power EPS development, high voltage EPS development and steering-by-wire technology. Electrical power assisted steering (EPAS) is one of the key components, especially for electrical vehicle. It has a lot of attention for improved fuel economy and has been widely adopted as automotive power-steering equipment in recent years. EPS ( EPS control strategy development is the core technology of the whole system. To achieve the better performance of driving, both mechanical structures and electrical structures are totally designed as There are several trends about EPS ’future, such as high power EPS development, high voltage EPS development and steering-by-wire technology. a whole. Model-based development is recommended to software design.
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