
来源 :山东政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kantstop
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为保护我山东解放区;各地长途电话及铁路电话线路,使电话畅通,以利支前交通,本府已于二月颁布民交字第一号布告在案。近查现仍有电话线路不断被偷割、破坏等情发生,使人民利益受到严重损害。此种行为。显系少数不法分子;贪图私利及蒋匪特务分子乘机破坏所为,各级政府应引起严重注意。希除切实遵守上述布告之事项外,并再指示如下:一、电话沿线各区、乡政府,对人民应进行深入之教育,使人民认识保护电线之重要,自觉为护线而服务;并结合夏防工作,建立逐村看线制度,按段分工负责,组织巡逻监护,严密的保护线路。二、所有沿线各区、乡(村)政府应认真重视护线工作,负责领导并及时检查,并将检查结果及护线工作经过,定期向各该 In order to protect our Shandong Jiefang District; long-distance calls and railway telephone lines throughout the country, the telephone was unblocked to facilitate the traffic support of the former. The government issued the first census of civil registration in February. Nearly there are still telephone lines that are constantly being stolen and cut off so that the interests of the people are seriously damaged. Such behavior. Indiscriminate minority lawless elements; for sake of self-interest and Chiang Kai-shek spy elements took the opportunity to sabotage the government at all levels should cause serious attention. In addition to earnestly observing the aforesaid proclamations, they should instruct them again as follows: 1. All districts and township governments along the telephone line should conduct in-depth education for their people so that people will understand the importance of protecting electrical wires and consciously serve the purpose of protecting the wires. Anti-work, the establishment of the village by the line system, according to the division of labor is responsible for organizing patrol guardianship, strict protection of the line. Second, all the districts and townships (villages) along the line should pay close attention to the protection of the line of work, is responsible for leading and timely inspection, and inspection results and protection of the line after the regular to the various
中華人民共和國政府代表團和印度尼西亞共和國政府代表團,已於一九五四年十一月二日至一九五四年十二月二十三日在北京舉行了關於雙重國籍問題的初 The government delegat
爹◆篱溅国产90-Ⅱ战坦克 Dad ◆ fence splash domestic 90-Ⅱ battle tank
去冬以来,壤塘县档案馆在机构改革和接收机关档案的同时,注意收集领导工作笔记本,截止七月底,共收集近四百本,为馆藏增添了新内容。 这些领导工作笔记本,主要是县级领导同志
<正> 一社会主义社会是一个相当长的历史时期,需要经历从不完善到完善的发展过程。根据我国社会生产力的发展水平以及与其相适应的生产关系的特征,我国目前正处在社会主义初级阶段。明确提出我国还处在社会主义初级阶段的科学论断,是我们对社会主义再认识的突出成果,是马克思主义理论同我国社会主义建设实践相结合的突出成果。