Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Offshore Structures

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:studied1234
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During the life of an offshore structure,its structural strength declines due to various kinds ofdamages related to the time factor.In this paper,four major kinds of damages,including damages causedby fatigue,dent,corrosion and marine life,are discussed.Based on these analyses,formulas for theevaluation of the damaged structure reliability are derived.Furthermore the computer program ISM forthe analysis of structural reliability is developed by the use of Advanced First Order Second Moment meth-od and Monte-Carlo Importance Sampling method.The reliability of a turbular joint and a beam are stu-died as numerical examples.The results show that the theory and the analysis method given in this paperare reasonable and effective. During the life of an offshore structure, its structural strength declines due to various kinds ofdamages related to the time factor.In. This paper, four major kinds of damages, including due caused by fatigue, dent, corrosion and marine life, are discussed.Based on these analyzes, formulas for the evaluation of the damaged structure reliability are derived. More than the computer program ISM forthe analysis of structural reliability is developed by the use of Advanced First Order Second Moment meth-od and Monte-Carlo Importance Sampling method. reliability of a turbular joint and a beam are stu-died as numerical examples. The results show that the theory and the analysis method given in this paperare reasonable and effective.
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