Does the discrepancy in histologic differentiation between a forceps biopsy and an endoscopic specim

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyuallen
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AIM To investigate the clinicopathological variables in early gastric cancer(EGC) patients in relation to differentiation discrepancy.METHODS The data of 265 specimens from 240 patients with EGC, who had undergone radical operation at Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital from 2010 to 2015, were retrospectively analyzed. We evaluated clinical, endoscopic, and histopathological data according to histological discrepancy.RESULTS Clinically significant discrepancy rate showed the difference in differentiated type(well and moderately differentiated) and undifferentiated type(poorly differentiated and signet ring cell) between endoscopic biopsies and postoperative specimens was 9.4%(25/265). There were no differences in tumor location, size, gross pattern, and number of biopsies. Specimens having histological discrepancy showed more submucosal invasion(72.0% vs 49.6%, P = 0.033) and lymph node involvement(24.0% vs 7.9%, P = 0.009) than specimens having non-discrepancy. The rate of a positive epidermal growth factor receptor status was higher in specimens having discrepancy than in specimens having non-discrepancy(81.0% vs 55.4%, P = 0.035).CONCLUSION The discordance of histologic differentiation is associated with higher submucosal invasion and lymph node metastases in EGC. Patients have histological discrepancy may require additional surgical treatments. AIM To investigate the clinicopathological variables in early gastric cancer (EGC) patients in relation to differentiation discrepancy. METHHODS The data of 265 specimens from 240 patients with EGC, who had undergone radical operation at Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital from 2010 to 2015, were retrospectively We evaluated clinical, endoscopic, and histopathological data according to histological discrepancy. RESULTS Clinically significant discrepancy rate showed the difference in differentiated type (well and moderately differentiated) and undifferentiated type (poorly differentiated and signet ring cell) between endoscopic biopsies and postoperative specimens There were no differences in tumor location, size, gross pattern, and number of biopsies. Specimens having histological discrepancy showed more submucosal invasion (72.0% vs 49.6%, P = 0.033) and lymph node involvement (24.0% vs 7.9%, P = 0.009) than specimens with non-discrepancy. The rate of a posit ive epidermal growth factor receptor status was higher in specimens having discrepancy than in specimens having non-discrepancy (81.0% vs 55.4%, P = 0.035) .CONCLUSION The discordance of histologic differentiation is associated with higher submucosal invasion and lymph node metastases in EGC. Patients have histological discrepancy may require additional surgical treatments.
摘 要:本文结合多年自身的工作实际经验对热拌沥青混合料的检测试验工作的主要内容,控制,试验方法和具体解决的措施,进行了探讨分析。供同行了解。  关键词: 热拌沥青混合料; 原材料; 检测试验; 控制方法; 控制措施  热拌沥青混合料(以下简称沥青混合料)路面是路面结构的一种,它的优点是在行车中舒适、噪声低、易于维护等优点,广泛应用于公路建设中,尤其是高等级公路建设。沥青混合料是以沥青为结合料, 需
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一、构思理念  处理区块与群体的关系  尊重规划与城市设计的意图,力图将其完美地融入城市公共空间,力图为钱江新城A-03地块创造一个强烈的焦点。  现代、高效、人性化的办公理念  为钱江新城提供一处高效、舒适的现代办公场所,提高空间使用效率,提供多种灵活分隔的可能,注重空间品质。在理性的现代主义建筑中加入自然和人性元素,提供孕育新型办公文化、企业文化的土壤。  生态理念和策略  力求通过发展生态办